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Ramsay Santé expands its range of psychiatric care dedicated to caregivers

Ramsay Santé, one of the leading players in private psychiatry in France, is strengthening its commitment to healthcare professionals by offering them a specifically dedicated care program: “MédiPsy-Care”. This program addresses burnout, anxiety disorders, depression, addictive disorders, post-traumatic stress, which may be associated with it, as well as mood disorders.

In 2023, the National Consultation on “The Health of Health Professionals” launched by the Ministry responsible for the Territorial Organization of Health Professions showed that 55% of responding professionals had experienced one or more episodes of professional burnout and that nearly 50% of them reported consumption
regular alcohol consumption, all modes of exercise combined (1).
Figures much higher than those found for the general population (34% burnout for employees in all sectors of activity (2), which demonstrate specific needs for health professionals in terms of mental health and addiction. Even if the health crisis has destigmatized the psychological suffering of caregivers, health professionals still encounter difficulties in consulting, often due to fear of judgment and the absence or lack of knowledge of the care adapted to their specific problem.
To overcome these obstacles, Since 2017, Ramsay Santé has offered an establishment exclusively dedicated to the psychiatric care of caregivers throughout France: the Clinique Le Gouz in Louhans (71). At the same time, the Clinique Mon Repos in Écully (69) has also developed a day hospitalization offer for healthcare professionals.
“In recent years, we have noticed that many healthcare professionals were being admitted in a very poor clinical condition due to late treatment. This is why the Ramsay Santé group wanted to develop, in several of its clinics, specific treatment programs that could be easy-to-access solutions adapted to the problems of caregivers.” comments Dr. Magali Briane, addiction psychiatrist at the Clinique Mon Repos. In addition, this program is directly in line with Ramsay Santé’s mission-driven company objectives and its purpose “Improving health through constant innovation.”

A dedicated program deployed in several establishments in France
The “MédiPsy-Care” program offers consultations and outpatient care in a Day Hospital (HDJ) which lasts on average from 3 to 6 months depending on needs.. “Full hospitalizations can also be considered if necessary in our establishments, but we avoid them being prolonged so as not to distance people from their entourage and their landmarks.” specifies Dr. Briane. This program addresses burnout, anxiety disorders, depression, addictive disorders, post-traumatic stress, which may be associated with it, as well as mood disorders.

An individualized and multidisciplinary care pathway
Access to care is made easier: health professionals can be taken care of by simply calling the establishment’s secretariat, which is responsible for setting up an initial appointment quickly. Care is provided in sector 1, without excess fees. It begins with an initial consultation with a psychiatrist who is responsible
to establish an appropriate care pathway (simple consultations, day hospital care or full hospitalization). Patients are then welcomed by multidisciplinary teams made up of psychiatrists, nurses, psychologists, teachers in Adapted Physical Activity (which can be a powerful adjuvant to psychotherapy), art therapists, but also practitioners in psychocorporeal therapies such as sophrologists or relaxologists.
The care is partly carried out in groups in a setting that promotes safety, kindness and respect for others. The group format allows for decentering, putting into perspective and observing in the “other” functions and processes that emotional contingency makes difficult, at the beginning of care, to observe for oneself.
Individual sessions with psychiatrists, psychologists and nurses are also offered, in order to deepen and target certain aspects addressed in group sessions. Generally speaking, the care pathway includes 5 stages targeted at the specific needs of health professionals:

  • A first period of emotional calm;
  • Monitoring of psychoeducational interventions: understanding the different
    determinants which led to this situation, and identify the levers of care;
  • Cognitive, emotional and behavioral therapy (CBT) workshops;
  • Care focused on psychological flexibility through the process approach;
  • And finally, work on relapse prevention and preparation for return
    to employment.

Seven establishments of the Ramsay Santé group currently offer the “MédiPsy-Care” program : the Mon Repos Clinic in Ecully (69), the Le Gouz Clinic in Louhans (71), the Saint-Michel, Saint-Barnabé and Quatre saisons Clinics in Marseille, the Parc Clinic in Nantes and the Alpha Alcoholic Center in Royan. “We work with all healthcare stakeholders in the regions (liberal professionals, territorial professional health communities, occupational health services, health establishments) to destigmatize the care of caregivers and make our expertise known. The objective is to promote early and specifically adapted care.” adds Dr. Magali Briane. The Ramsay Santé group aims to develop the “MédiPsy-Care” program in 3 new establishments by the end of 2025.

1 Report on the Health of Health Professionals – Ministry of Labor, Health and Solidarity, October 2023
2 OpinionWay T10 Barometer carried out before summer 2022

Press release, Ramsay health of September 12, 2024

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