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Ramón Escobar, the mayor who saved the Aqueduct, dies | Radio Segovia | Present

Has died Ramon Escobar Santiago, what was mayor of Segovia between 1991 and 1999, leading the list of Popular Party in his time. Born in Valencia, March 14, 1937, he was also vice president of the Provincial Council of Segovia between 1979-1981 coinciding with a troubled time with the pre-autonomous process as a member of UCD, being one of the supporters of the uniprovincial autonomy of Segovia.

Agricultural Technical Engineer by Polytechnic School of Madrid. He entered in December 1961 at the National Land Consolidation Service going later to the Ministry of Agriculture from Castilla and leon meeting, when this was created. Married to a Segovian woman, Milagros Lake, now deceased, and father of four children, resided in Segovia since 1965.

Ramón Escobar observes works in the Plaza Oriental next to the Aqueduct covered with a scaffold for its restoration / Juan Martín

Since June 1991 he has been elected mayor of Segovia by the Popular Party, being reelected in the following elections in 1995 with an absolute majority. In these eight years he starred in the development of the city, and his greatest legacy as a city manager was the cutting of road traffic under the Aqueduct of Segovia in August 1992, which forced the reordering of the city’s traffic and the reform and opening of streets as Colonel Rexach, until then within the military compound of the Regiment.

In 1999, he won the elections again, this time with a simple majority, which is why, at the request of the Popular Party, he ceded the Mayor’s Office to the minority party of that corporation, the CDS who was leading Jose Antonio Lopez Arranz, who had got two councilors. From that moment, he remains as a councilor and provincial deputy until his resignation in May 2003.

During his tenure as mayor of Segovia, several significant changes were made in that city. Se built the first underground car park in the city, as well as the new wastewater treatment plant that until then dumped these directly into the Eresma river.

The valleys of the Eresma and Crying They recovered their splendor by creating a green belt, which is enjoyed by Segovians and visitors.

The restoration of the Town Hall, which was inaugurated on March 25, 1998 by Their Majesties the Kings of Spain, was another of the projects that he undertook in his eight years of municipal government.

Created the D. Juan de Borbón Foundation, and participated in the creation of Spanish Group of World Heritage Cities and the Group of Cities with Jewish Quarters.

He promoted the launch of the Valladolid University Campus in Segovia, the SEK Private University which will later become the IE University and the new location of the Segovia jail, the actual Loading and Unloading Terminal and the first Shopping Center of the same.

Ramón Escobar in a public appearance with the then councilor Juan Carlos Martín

Ramón Escobar in a public appearance with the then councilor Juan Carlos Martín / CADENA SER

It was during his tenure when the construction of the bypass SG-20, which will soon see its definitive transformation into a highway, as well as the start of other vital infrastructures for Segovia la toll road to San Rafael or the start of projects for the arrival of the High-speed train, works that have brought Segovia closer to Madrid.

His last public appearances were in 2017, during the commemoration of the 25 years of the traffic cut under the Aqueduct of Segovia, a courageous decision that he personally faced and that many consider to have saved the thousand-year-old monument and icon of the city.

From Radio Segovia we want to bear witness to our condolences to his family and friends, given the special bond he always had with our station and his family that owns it..

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