On the 12th, Rakuten Mobile announced the “Rakuten strongest plan” as a new rate plan. The price is the same as the previous price plan “Rakuten UN-LIMIT VII”, up to 3278 yen. Available starting June 1st.
The concept is “strongest infinity”. Until now, in partner areas using KDDI (au) lines, in the case of Japan, the speed limit was applied after exceeding 5 GB. This restriction is abolished in the “Rakuten Strongest Plan”. In addition, smooth switching between KDDI lines and Rakuten lines will be realized.

With this change, data charge for partner lines (domestic), notification of remaining data capacity, and provision of high-speed data mode will be terminated.
In addition, the high-speed data capacity limit for partner lines (overseas) is 2 GB per month as before.

From Rakuten Mobile press release
The price is the same as the conventional “Rakuten UN-LIMIT VII”, 1078 yen for monthly data usage of 3 GB or less, 2178 yen for 3 GB to 20 GB or less, and 3278 yen for more than 20 GB.
From June 1, applications will be accepted on Rakuten Mobile’s official website, stores, and “Rakuten Mobile Official Rakuten Market Store”. Users of “Rakuten UN-LIMIT VII” will automatically transition to the new plan from the same day.

From Rakuten Mobile press release
If you use “Rakuten Link”, you can make free calls from overseas to Japan, as well as domestic calls. A desktop version of “Rakuten Link” will also be released in August.

2023-05-12 03:07:20
#price #plan #Rakuten #strongest #plan #Rakuten #Mobile #unlimited #highspeed #data #domestic #roaming #area #price #unchanged