Home » today » Entertainment » Raise your hand to see Teddy living in misery, Sule is angry and doesn’t care about the fate of Lina Jubaedah’s child?

Raise your hand to see Teddy living in misery, Sule is angry and doesn’t care about the fate of Lina Jubaedah’s child?

PEOPLE’S MIND – The chaos over Lina Jubaedah’s inheritance that took place between Teddy Pardiyana and the kids Close, so far have not found a bright spot.

Two years later, the fate of Lina Jubaedah’s late husband, Teddy Pardiyana again reaps the spotlight.

Because, after Lina Jubaedah died, Teddy looks much thinner than before.

Not only that, Teddy Pardiyana is also reported to have fallen into poverty and is unable to finance his daily life.

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Though it is known, Teddy still has to support his only daughter with Lina Jubaedah, namely Bintang.

To survive in the midst of misery, Teddy Pardiyana was forced to save money and move to a former fishing hut.

Related to this condition, netizens also feel sorry. Even some of them compare life Teddy with Close.

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In response to this, Close finally spoke up. With a slightly raised tone Close admits that he no longer wants to deal with Teddy.

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