Home » today » News » Rainy and Windy Weekend in Hesse, Germany – German Weather Forecast

Rainy and Windy Weekend in Hesse, Germany – German Weather Forecast

Offenbach (dpa/lhe) – With clouds, rain and wind, it will remain autumnal in Hesse this weekend. According to the German Weather Service (DWD) forecast, Saturday morning will still be relatively dry, but from midday onwards rain will move in from the west and spread across the entire state. Isolated strong thunderstorms with squalls are possible in the late afternoon. The maximum values ​​rise to 9 to 11 degrees, in high altitudes it remains at 5 to 8 degrees. Strong gusts of wind are possible, including stormy gusts and isolated squalls at high altitudes. Sunday looks similar, as the DWD in Offenbach announced. It is a bit milder with highs of 11 to 13 degrees.

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