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Rail freight transport: DB Cargo relies on artificial intelligence – Artificial Intelligence (AI) | News | LOGISTICS TODAY

DB Cargo has been using camera bridges for digital diagnostics of freight wagons across the board for some time now. A total of 13 camera bridges are located at the eight largest freight stations in Germany. Freight trains pass through portals that are equipped with high-speed cameras and lighting. An AI analyzes the images taken for damage to the vehicles.

Now another feature is being rolled out: the most important wagon information can be read and analyzed in seconds using AI. The labeling of the wagons contains essential operating data such as deadweight, brakes, loading dimensions and much more. The check of this data is required by law and must be carried out again for each train formation.

Previously, employees with long computer lists carried out this work exclusively manually, which was very time-consuming. With the new AI-supported image processing, DB Cargo can precisely recognize and further process the 15 most important addresses on a freight wagon, the company says.

Nationwide test

The new AI technology is now being tested nationwide. It is intended to speed up the provision of freight wagons and at the same time make the work of employees considerably easier. According to DB, DB Cargo customers will benefit most from this. The project is being funded by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport as part of the Future of Rail Freight Transport program.

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