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Rai license fee in the bill, “EU asks to eliminate it, urgent reflection is needed”

“It is urgent that the Government take care of the RAI fee, following the request of the EU to remove it from the electricity bills as part of the application of the NRP. If the law cannot enter the Competition Reform, it enters into another measure, but the reflection must be made as soon as possible, all the more so after the bad show that Rai is giving on the Olympics, with the very serious mistake committed by the yellow-green Salini-Foa leaders of not having taken the rights for streaming “. The deputy of Italia Viva and secretary of the Rai Supervisory Commission writes in a note, Michele Anzaldi.

“The fee in the bill was a courageous reform – continues Anzaldi – that the Renzi government implemented to eliminate tax evasion, while Rai was guaranteed a fixed amount of income. After what we have seen in recent years, however, with the multiplication of waste, armchairs and inefficiencies, that reform must be rethought. All the more so after the decision of the Conte government to give another 85 million to Rai, without having in return any specific commitment on how this money would be spent and on what savings Indeed, Rai in recent years has even refused to launch the Newsroom Plan which, once fully operational, would save 70 million euros per year and which was voted unanimously by both the Supervisory Board and the Board of Directors. distinguished, on the other hand, only for having reached the world record of nominated deputy directors “.

“Then we think of the serious disservices on sport, an important theme of these weeks: for the Tokyo Olympics an unprecedented maxi expedition was sent by over 200 people, including 71 journalists, but Rai2 still managed to pierce even a medal like that by Zanni on weights and is receiving daily criticism for the management of live broadcasts. For major sporting events it has always been decided to move the news as well, it also happened for Tg1 at 20 in the case of football matches. Because this time at 13.00 is not done and Tg2 is not moved, with the consequence that creating very serious holes in the Olympic competitions? It is the same Rai that for the first time in years has lost the rights for the Italian Cup and the Super Cup, purchased by Mediaset which evidently he knows he will be able to make money. How are those money that Rai did not spend on football rights used? Do they end up in a proliferation of useless seats? “.

“Let’s think of Isoradio – continues Anzaldi – where instead of merging a new director has been appointed who is reporting only for the blatant violations of the Service Contract on programming, with the policy that replaces traffic news. Or Rai Pubblica Utilità, where it was possible to proceed with mergers and interim and instead yet another director was appointed. The list could go on and on, even on contracts for tenants, on the role of agents, on the privileges guaranteed to some. The Draghi Government and the new Fuortes leaders -Money have a duty to intervene quickly, we cannot think of going ahead and giving money to such a Rai “.

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