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Rai fee, what needs to be done to obtain the exemption

Let’s see who has the possibility not to pay the RAI license fee and what must be done in order to obtain the exemption from the tax included in the electricity bill.

The possibility of not paying the Rai license fee it exists, even if it is not extended to all taxpayers. It is necessary to fall within certain parameters to obtain this relief, which inevitably is highly coveted by everyone

The tax amounts to 90 euros per year and is included in the electricity bill. It is divided into 10 installments of 9 euros each, if you opt for the monthly payment. In the case of bimonthly bills, the cost rises to 18 euros for 5 months.

Rai license fee: requirements, timing and methods for obtaining the exemption

Usually the deadline for submitting the application for exemption from the Rai license fee is 31 July. This year due to the postponement of the tax deadlines to the period following the Mid-August, the timeframe for the request has been extended to August 20, 2021.

Of course, you must be in possession of the requirements set out in the Tax. Let’s see what they are specifically:

  • Being 75 years of age no later than July 31,
  • Annual income of less than 8 thousand euros (the sum of the applicant’s income and that of the code is taken into consideration),
  • Not being cohabiting with subjects who have their own income, with the exception of home helps, carers or domestic collaborators,
  • Have a television set inside the home where the applicant is resident. If the royal residence is different, the possibility of obtaining the exemption lapses.

Who has these characteristics, has the right to the elimination of half of the total fee. Once this aspect has also been ascertained, all that remains is to fill in and deliver the appropriate application form provided byRevenue Agency (which has returned to peep through current accounts), in which he will have to insert the personal data and specify to be in line with the parameters required to obtain theexemption.

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For all the others, however, the regular is expected payment of the fee. Although it is often “unpleasant” it is necessary for the sustenance of the state television that has accompanied the citizens of the Bel Paese since the 1950s.

An issue that, however, always generates numerous controversies, given that today with all the existing modes of use, many are moving away from the old darling “Mamma Rai”.

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