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Rai fee, in addition to the exemption, the refund is triggered: who are the lucky ones

Those who have already paid for it, not knowing they are exempt from it, can request a refund of the Rai license fee. Here’s how to apply.

A few months ago there was talk of a new version of the Rai Canon. Indeed, a re-proposal rather than a novelty. Since 2014, the most detested tax by Italians has in fact been related to the electricity bill.

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In some ways a solution to not forget it. For others, however, a decision that has forced even the potential exonerated to specify that they are not in possession of the devices that, in theory, allow the use of the public TV service. The proposal, to remedy the problems, was to bring everything back as before starting from 2023: separate bulletins and no more declarative tasks. We will see, although it is very likely that it will. Speaking of exemptions, meanwhile, those who fall into this category could have a definite advantage. A sort of derogation from the service, moreover noted by the same Rai leaders who, at the end of 2021, had proposed extending the tax to other devices as well.

The reason was simple: even those who do not have a television can use the services of the national network. However, mobile devices are not among those subject to taxation. And the CEO of the Rai Group, Carlo Fuortes, had made a proposal to balance the issue by also including iPad, iPhone and any other digital instrument able to provide the service within the Rai license fee, as is also the case in other countries. No steps have been taken on this front, even though the CEO had repeatedly reported the disparity between the quality standards offered and the actual revenues through the tax.

Rai license fee, how reimbursements for exempt persons work

For the moment, the only real news could be the return to the separate bulletin. Meanwhile, those exempted from the Canon remain the same. Those who do not have a TV set according to the TV programs offered, will not be required to pay the tax. Upon notification to the institution, to be made promptly to avoid having the first of the two charges delivered (for a total cost of 90 euros per year). Either way, it is not only those who do not have a TV to be called out of the RAI license fee. Bearing in mind that, at least for the whole of this year, we will continue to think about the concept of “presumption of possession of the television set”, also the other categories of exempt persons will have to present their condition in good time.

The application for exemption must be submitted to the Revenue Agency. Elderly people over 75, whose income does not exceed 8 thousand euros, can also submit it, but also diplomatic and consular agents from countries where the same treatment is reserved for Italian correspondents. There is also no tax for the military stationed in Italy. As for mobile devices, the only “taxable” circumstance is linked to the use of keys, cards or decoders that can be tuned to radio and TV. Internet transmissions will not be considered valid. Some exemption cases may concern the beneficiaries of Law 104 but only in certain circumstances. Those who have already paid the fee, perhaps because they are not aware of the exemption, and should naturally appear in these categories, can request a refund by submitting an application to the Revenue Agency. Better to double check your old (but not too much) bills.

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