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Rai fee 2023: if you meet these requirements, you don’t pay it


Many consider the Rai license fee to be one of the most hated taxes, but if you have certain requirements you could avoid paying it.

The Rai license fee, before 2016, cost 90 euros a year and was paid in a single solution, once a year.

The Italians used to evade this tax, and for this reason, the then Renzi government decided to include the fee relating to the license fee in the electricity bill.
In this way, they began to pay in small installments distributed throughout the year, which cannot be paid by any Italian.

In any case, some subjects expressly identified are exempt from paying the fee, and can apply for exemption to the revenue agency.

So let’s see who is entitled to the benefit of the exemption from the Rai license fee, and how we must proceed to make the request for exemption.

Rai fee 2023: subjects exempt from payment

As anticipated at the beginning, if you exceed a certain age limit, it is not necessary to pay the Rai license fee.

In addition to this particular category of people, other subjects, expressly identified by law, are also exempt from paying the Rai license fee. We summarize all the categories of people who do not have to pay the fee below:

  • If you are an elderly person over 75, you can do without paying the Rai license fee. The benefit is triggered for those who produce an annual income of less than 8,000 euros.
    This figure must be assessed with reference to both spouses: in fact, if the combined income of both exceeds 8,000 euros, they will have to continue paying the Rai fee.
  • In addition to this first category of subjects, the military, or members of the civil protection, who do not have residence or even Italian citizenship, are exempt from paying the Rai license fee, provided they serve in Italian territory.
  • Officials of international organizations and consulate employees are also exempt from paying the Rai fee;
  • Finally, which is very difficult to prove, individuals who do not own a television set, whether their own or that of any other member belonging to the same household, are also exempt from paying the license fee.

When you can request exemption from the Rai license fee: the timing

The request to be exempt from paying the fee can be presented if the aforementioned requisites exist, no later than 31 January of the year.
The subsequent request can be made by July of the year in which the request is made, but will be valid for the second semester of the year.


The procedure to follow then became very simple. To make a request, you can access the website of the revenue agency, download the forms provided for this purpose and forward the request accordingly.

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