Home » today » Entertainment » Rai, a strike blocks the autumn restart of the programs. They skip UnoMattina and Agora

Rai, a strike blocks the autumn restart of the programs. They skip UnoMattina and Agora

False start due to strike due to the great resumption of Rai programs after the summer break. A protest by the employees of the Rome production center, which immediately blew up the broadcast of the broadcast, stopped everything One morning on RaiUno and will have negative effects on the entire schedule, including Tg. Block also on Raitre, where instead of Agora a film is broadcast.

This morning, for example, the 7:30 editions of Tg Lis and the long-term / in-depth edition of 8:00 were also skipped on RaiUno. The emergency solution found was that of a longer connection than usual with the all-news information of Rainews 24 and with the broadcasting of a selection of moments from the last edition of UnoMattina. But RaiNews 24 will also have problems, which will make use of previously recorded in-depth programs.

At risk all programming that should continue with Italian stories, at noon, before resuming the afternoon between Serena Bortone with her Today is another day and also the first de Life live, with Alberto Matano alone. The return of de Your Facts on Rai 2 with the new couple Salvo Sottile and Anna Falchi. Perhaps Antonella Clerici’s transmission will be broadcast, e Ore 14, hosted by the journalist Milo Infante.

The strike was announced on August 18 and would have as its motivation the request for a modernization of Radio and TV Production, the reduction of external contracts in favor of internal professionals, guarantees for regional offices in difficulty, a concrete cost reduction policy and waste. The abstention from work comes after a protest that began on June 28 and went on until July 28.

The union agitation therefore brings Rai programming to its knees on a crucial day and is a welcome to the new team of administrators, the CEO Carlo Fuortes and the president Marinella Soldi.

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