Home » today » Entertainment » Raffaella Carrà, an icon of Italian TV, is dead. Japino: “She went to a better world”

Raffaella Carrà, an icon of Italian TV, is dead. Japino: “She went to a better world”

ROMA – She’s dead Raffaella Carrà. The artist was 78 years old. “Raffaella has left us. She has gone to a better world, where her humanity, her unmistakable laugh and her extraordinary talent will shine forever.” With these words Sergio Japino gives the sad announcement joining the pain of the beloved nephews Federica and Matteo, of Barbara, Paola and Claudia Boncompagni, of lifelong friends and closest collaborators.


Raffaella Carrà, the homage of the ‘Ballo ballo’ cast: “It’s a force of nature”


Carrà passed away at 16.20 today, after an illness that for some time had attacked that body of hers so tiny yet so full of overflowing energy. Her unstoppable force, which imposed her at the top of the world star system, an iron will that never abandoned her until the end, making sure that nothing of her profound suffering leaked out. Yet another gesture of love towards her audience and towards those who shared her affection, so that her personal ordeal would not disturb the bright memory of her.

A woman out of the ordinary yet endowed with unsettling simplicity, she had no children but children – she always said – she had thousands of them, like the 150 thousand made to adopt at a distance thanks to love, the program that most of all had remained in her heart.

The funeral will be defined shortly. In her latest dispositions, Raffaella asked for a simple unfinished wooden coffin and an urn to hold her ashes. In the saddest hour, always unique and inimitable, like her overwhelming laugh.


Raffa70, video tribute to the Carrà


The biography of the first showgirl

Born in Bologna on June 18, 1943 as Raffaella Maria Roberta Pelloni, the dancer and singer Raffaella Carrà, after her television debut in Dance time (1961), alongside Lelio Luttazzi, and in musical comedy Scaramouche (1965), in 1970 he landed in Canzonissima, becoming known to the general public. Thus it was that Carrà became the first black and white small screen showgirl.

Remarkable success he obtained in 1984 with Hello, Raffaella, which achieved extraordinary ratings for the meridian belt. Conductor of Sunday in (1986) again for Rai, in 1987 he passed for a short period to Canale 5, and then returned to Raiuno in 1991 with the transmission Fantastic 12.


Raffaella Carrà: “Dance, I have fun and risk in Sanremo”


After a four-year interlude in Madrid, where he brought the program Hola Raffaella for Spanish television, she returned to Italy in 1995 successfully proposing herself again in Carramba! What a surprise (1995-97 and 2002), transmission inspired by the British variety Surprise, surprise.

He then continued to garner support by presenting Carramba! What luck (1998-2000 and 2008) and Secrets and lies (1999), again on Raiuno. In 2001 he led the Sanremo Festival, in 2004 the program Dreams, while dedicated to long distance adoptions it was love 2006.


Raffaella Carrà, Christmas in music with ‘Who said it’


In 2007 it came out Gust Carrà, videomusical collection of the numerous television themes he has interpreted. In 2013 she returned to the small screen on Raidue as a talent show coach The Voice of Italy and his latest album was released Replay.

In 2015 he hosted the talent show on Raiuno Strong strong strong and has discontinued its participation in The Voice of Italy, resumed the following year. 2019 is his latest program You begin to tell on Raitre.


“Every time it’s Christmas”, a huge crowd at the Feltrinelli Appia in Rome for Raffaella Carrà


The reactions

“I am immensely shaken. She was an exceptional artist, an extraordinary self-taught, I have known her since the beginning of her career – he says troubled. Pippo Baudo – I have never managed to make a program with her, it was the only reproach I always gave her, it is my greatest regret “.

“She had studied dance, she had also become a great dancer – Pippo remembers freewheeling, holding back tears – When he paired with Mina, there was a notable asymmetry between the two, because Mina is taller than her, yet she canceled this asymmetry. Besides, she is one of the few Italian showgirls, perhaps the only one, who has been successful in Hispanic countries “.

Baudo recalls an anecdote in this regard: “Once in Spain, at the Plaza de Toros, Raffaella Carrà was alone with her group, and I remember around thirty thousand people. An incredible thing, a love like no other Italian”. The reason for Raffaella’s enormous success and uniqueness lay, according to the popular conductor, in her simplicity: “She was the beautiful Romagna ‘burdela’, the guappa, she had a strong voice that drove everyone crazy. Her way of being made us think. to every girl to be able to become Raffaella Carrà, instead it was not true. It only took her talent to be Raffaella Carrà. She was the last real great showgirl. I am heartbroken “, concludes Pippo.

“Italy loses one of its most intelligent, pleasant and elegant icons – writes on Twitter the secretary of the Democratic Party Enrico Letta – The disappearance of Raffaella # Carrà for those of my generation is really a piece of life that goes away. Deep sadness “.

Raffaella Carrà was also very popular in Spain and Latin America. And the news was immediately relaunched by the Iberian press.

“This news cut my legs, I’m incredulous, I didn’t expect it. Shocking. The TV icon is gone. Forever.” So on Twitter Simona Ventura.


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