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Rafael Cadenas collects the Cervantes: “It is urgent to defend democracy from everything that stalks it”

(Europa Press) – The Venezuelan poet Rafael Cadenas has demanded during the delivery of the Cervantes Prize this Monday, April 24, to the “democrats” that they “loudly ask for the renewal” of the current democratic system, something that he understands to be “urgent” because is at risk.

“It is urgent to defend it from everything that stalks it and for this it is necessary to recreate it. This task falls to the education that has neglected it. In the countries where it exists, a pedagogy is needed that strengthens it; in the others, that does not known, it is vain to try to introduce it”, he pointed out in his speech to collect the award at the Auditorium of the University of Alcalá de Henares.

“It is paradoxical, indeed, that the most civilized nations are among the major arms manufacturers. It is a very prosperous industry”

In a speech with several allusions to the present, Cadenas has shown his concern about the current world situation, citing the psychiatrist Karl Jaspers. “He had two fears: one of totalitarianism and the other of the bomb. At this time, the former is advancing and the latter has grown. It is certainly paradoxical that the most civilized nations are among the main arms manufacturers. It is about a very prosperous industry”, he alluded.

In this sense, he recalled the “imprint” of Don Quixote, which was “in the believers of the utopia that would fix everything and ended in disappointment.” “It is known that nationalisms, ideologies and creeds divide human beings, but at this time, the world, thanks to the development of communication, should be cosmopolitan”, he remarked.

In fact, Cadenas believes that “in a certain way” communication is already cosmopolitan, although “those aforementioned factors oppose it, especially nationalism, which according to Einstein is the measles of humanity.” “However, there is a national ego that would not accept such a change”, he has continued.

“I think the time may have come to review the foundations of the entire culture, although I don’t know if by saying this it is a contagion of the two famous characters. Everything should be examined, seen, exchange the illusion for the real, the task arduous task that human beings have to face”, he affirmed.

The Venezuelan poet, who has had an outstanding mention for Sergio Ramírez – asking that he “can return to his country” – has also asked to “distinguish between belonging to a religion and religiosity”, something that he understands to be “useful” today.

“There is an anecdote in this regard. Someone asked Schiller why he was not from any church, and he answered: because of religion, that is, because of piety. I think that when thought sees its limit, an opening towards the unspeakable appears” , has added.

“Freedom, Sancho, is one of the most precious gifts that heaven has given men; the treasures that the earth contains nor the sea conceal cannot be equaled with it”

Cadenas has also had words of gratitude to Spain, a country that he has explained that he has visited on numerous occasions. “I must add, with a view to calming down a bit, that I am full of Spain. I will try to clarify this resounding statement from someone who tends to avoid the emphasis to which we Hispanic Americans are so prone,” he clarified at the beginning of a widely applauded speech.

“I will refer to our language, which is in very bad shape, so we have to take care of it as its lovers, but I cannot point out its flaws, on this occasion, because there are too many, some coming from translations from English on television and in other media. Before, at the beginning of the 20th century, academics were angry with Gallicisms; those that slip into our lives today are Anglicisms,” he criticized.

Cadenas has concluded his speech, preceded by the delivery of the medal by the King, quoting Cervantes, whom he considers “a great defender of freedom”. “I will remember his well-known words, although they should be spread more: ‘Freedom, Sancho, is one of the most precious gifts that heaven gave men; with it cannot be equaled the treasures that the earth encloses nor the sea hides; for freedom, as well as life can and should be risked for honor, and, on the contrary, captivity is the greatest evil that can come to a man'”, he concluded.


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