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Radosvet Radev, who was the owner of Darik, but not the conscience of the people on the radio

Four stories of the journalists Niki Kanchev, Konstantin Valkov, Kiril Valchev and of the trade union leader Dimitar Manolov about the man who became an epoch in the media

“An epoch in radio and in the media is gone” – this is how Niki Kanchev managed to describe in one sentence the huge loss from the sudden death of Radosvet Radev.

The founder of Darik Radio, who was the owner and manager of the media until his last breath, passed away on August 6 at the age of 61. The terrible thing happened in front of the radio, which he loved so much, while passing by the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce – the place that Radev managed to revive in the last 3-4 years as its chairman.

It is difficult to recount memories of a man with whom fate and profession they have connected for almost 30 years. Because these are not just fleeting events, but a whole life, spent in creation, battles for survival and upholding the true, human values. That is why we invited three of his closest associates in “Darik” – Niki Kanchev, Konstantin Valkov and Kiril Valchev (see box), some of the most popular journalists in our country, to remember him through the profession that connects them. Like his friend, the leader of the union “Support” Dimitar Manolov (see box).

However, only days have passed since the sad news, that’s why

Niki Kanchev

difficult to tell

for Radosvet Radev:

“An era in radio and an era in the media is gone! He was an absolute example of media leadership, of a dignified position all these years. He could stand close to the people. Something that the events of 1997 show very clearly. (At that time, Darik Radio was broadcasting the January rallies in front of the parliament and the removal of Jean Videnov live for days). At that time, a fellow student of mine from Moscow, who worked for Russian television but was also a CNN correspondent, Dima Mamontov, came. Shortly before that, he had made material about the tragedy with the submarine “Kursk”, which sank. He came here to interview Rado, me and other people from Darik.

The management of the media includes the maneuvering between the political parties, which Radosvet was able to do. And this is an art – not to bend down, not to sell yourself during all these years. Darik remained one of the few media outlets that did not change ownership.

It was very difficult for him. He was very honest with people. Several times at the New Year’s parties he said: “There will be no bonuses this year, last year there were, you know, but now there is no way for me

a lot

sorry for

that I can’t

to make you happy

and your families. ”

At the same time, for the radio’s 10th anniversary, he organized and sent a group of 20 people to the United States, myself included. The advertisers went to Spain or Italy. A third group, the people from the Gong sports show, left for Brazil. He made such gestures.

He also made them for me personally. I didn’t know him, and in 1993 I was already a journalist and I was ready, someone just had to pull me off the branch like a ripe fruit. By the way, I had several conversations with other radio stations. It was the dawn of the departing radio stations then. I talked to Radio 99, Express, who were at the top. I received some very strange answers such as: “We will be very demanding of the voices of the presenters.” What can I say if the presenter’s voice is very important !?

The music producer Emil Bratanov introduced us to Radosvet. He was at the Student House behind the Horse’s tail for a cocktail. Radosvet said, “Have you ever done a radio show?” “No, I’m not,” I replied. And in my style I asked him as a recount: “Did you make a radio?”. He said, “No, I’m not.” This was our oral contract. And since then 30 years together, from the first day of “Darik Radio”. It happened to be Thursday, Emo Bratanov was a music producer, I brought Kamelia Todorova to the first show, which has a birthday on January 21. (when “Darik” started in 1993 – ba). Bobby and Zaki from the Avenue duo helped me. I waited for her after one of her concerts, Bratanov had already started the show, we entered the studio, we sang Happy Birthday for both Darik and Kamelia.

A very broad man, a Bulgarian, did not push, which is my style. He could have been a minister or an MP a long time ago. But he preferred to run his business.

In the last 3-4 years, the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce has literally revived, made a magazine, equipped a new building near Darik, and always worked on a grand scale.

And personally he was a very good friend. When I had difficult moments, when I lost a child, he called me very friendly, fraternal.

And he had weaknesses. But when he had the opportunity to make real choices in modern times, he did not have one wrong decision. “

“Love it,

as if nothing

I can’t do anything else

to say”,

is the first reaction of Darik’s program director Konstantin Valkov.

He is only 15-16 years old when he goes to the radio. “I didn’t know Radosvet, I didn’t even know what it looked like. I went into his office, introduced myself, explained how much I was interested in music, and said I wanted to do a music show. “Well done,” he told me. Until then, I had neither seen him nor had anyone interceded for him.

So I started at Darik Radio on the second day of its creation. I had a half-hour show on Friday night, which we did together with Rhythm newspaper.

And since then we have not parted with Radosvet. ”

Kiril Valchev, General Director of BTA:

Showed that everyday

sometimes greater than

whatever heroism

He was the inspiring person, the one who constantly motivates for new things in everyday life.

I have been engaged as a lawyer for Darik Radio since I became a lawyer in 2000, and before that as an intern in the office where I was. She also worked with him from almost the first years of radio. That’s why we saw him every day. Before my eyes is a constant image of how I usually enter his office in the evening at the end of the working day. He was at his desk, and I was sitting on the back of a large oil-green armchair. I always had documents and it always seemed to me that either annoying things related to legal issues had to be resolved, or often some cases that bothered me all day. And after talking to him, in most cases, I left really inspired. In ordinary things I already saw a really new endeavor, in an unsolvable question I found several solutions. This image of mine is extremely strong.

Many people will probably talk about something unusual that has happened, or some moment, most often associated with their lives rather than the life of the person they are talking about. I also have such stories. How, for example, I started at Darik, how my cassette player was stolen, and he gave me the opportunity to pay for it, instead of immediately finding 2,000 marks to return them, how I had to choose between BTA and Darik Radio during the reign of Jean Videnov . Rather, I had to choose between staying in the then state structure or seeing Pope John Paul II on Darik Radio.


the big story

it is actually success

of Radosvet,

which was connected with an everyday life in which he was constantly renewed. Until the end. Relatively soon, for example, he took over the Chamber of Commerce – a brand new venture, as its chairman.

It was the same on the radio. He came to him every day when he was not on any business trips. He was present, but in a way that did not interfere. This is how the opinion is confirmed that Darik Radio is the free media of Bulgaria during all these years.

Because there was a very clear decision on how to be free – the one on whom things depend, to be there, but not to interfere. He said: “I am the owner of Darik Radio, I am not the owner of the conscience of the journalists who work there.” He never knew what would happen in the Week (the show that Valchev has been leading for years – ba) what comment will I have and what questions will I ask.

Everyone who knows him knows that he smoked a lot. I do not smoke. This was evident in the big debates I had on the radio about banning smoking in indoor public places. It was also obvious that I was on the side of the ban. He

and it endured – something

which affected him on

bit level,

while anti-smoking support was in the main broadcast of his own radio.

People need to realize that success is an everyday thing, not an extraordinary story. Yes, the bird can land on your shoulder in one form or another, you have a chance in life to succeed. But to turn this chance into success requires extreme perseverance.

Usually at such moments, after such a sudden loss, people become more philosophical. And I realized how, for example, the church has introduced this daily effort – not to go to Easter for a liturgy, but to pray at a service every day. Radosvet made a constant effort and showed that everyday life is sometimes greater than any heroism.

The leader of “Support” Dimitar Manolov:

I will miss you very much!

It softened the difficult ones as well

conversations, introduced common sense

“We have known Radosvet for much more than 20 years. It is impressive that it is different from the collective image of the people who do business in Bulgaria, or especially what others think of these people. He carried a soft intelligence. A man you could talk to about anything. A man who loved music and art very much. A man I have seen doing patronage without anyone knowing about it. I will miss him very much. ” This was said by the leader of “Support” Dimitar Manolov. They met Radosvet Radev the day before his death. He drank coffee with him and his son.

“Great shock! Everyone will miss it, of course. He was a man who, even in the context of what we do purely institutionally, has managed to soften the sometimes difficult conversations between us and to bring common sense. I can say that because I saw him first hand, he was like a father to the people who work at Darik.

After the elections, Radosvet Radev and Dimitar Manolov were invited to a TV station. “He came in a Fiat Cinquecento 500, not a Maybach, BMW or Mercedes. He came, parked it on the side, and then left. His daughter drove him to the next race in the same car. He had brought her to show her what the kitchen of the television looked like, “said Dimitar Manolov.

The worship is today, August 10, at 11 am in the church “St. Sophia” in the capital.

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