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Radio Coruña Forum: A Coruña bets on the cultural and gastronomic offer to attract family tourists | Radio Coruña

He A Coruña Tourism and Congress Consortium has held the first professional meeting in Spain after the pandemic, under the title ‘A Coruña Phase’. It has ended with the Radio Coruña Forum dedicated to ‘The Reconstruction of Tourism’. The mayor of A Coruña, Inés Rey, has been there, along with the mayors of Braga, Ricardo Río, and Gijón, Ana González.

The Coruña governor has indicated that the objective now is to reinforce the image of the city as a safe, non-crowded, cultural, gastronomic and even family destination option.

“We have a great cultural offer, a great gastronomic offer due to our proximity to the Atlantic,” said Inés Rey, who underlined that Galicia “is the second preferred national destination, only behind Andalusia.”

In this encounter, Tourism of A Coruña presented its post-pandemic crash plan that includes several surveys of professionals in the sector. It highlights that 27% of tourism companies have already been able to re-establish their activity, 25% of tourism companies will reopen throughout the month of July and 23% will not do so until the end of the year. 2% of those surveyed answered that they do not have the ability to reopen their businesses.

Alvedro airport

Precisely today, the A Coruña airport has begun to resume activity. And it has done so with the safety and hygiene measures established by the authorities, even for international flights, despite the fact that Alvedro has not yet recovered the link to London.

Tower of Hercules

The Tower of Hercules reopens its doors this Saturday with its usual summer hours, from ten in the morning to nine at night. Only one person per group can access the ticket sales point and the presence of visitors inside will be limited.

To enjoy the declared monument World Heritage A mask must be worn, with previously justified exceptions. All groups will be accompanied by a guide and will only be able to access the Roman lighthouse 15 people at a time and per hour.

The visit will last a maximum of 45 minutes and the remaining quarter of an hour will serve to condition the points that have the greatest risk of contact for the following turns.

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