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Radio-Canada presents its new series, Larry

20 years after the success of Life, life, Stéphane Bourguignon and Patrice Sauvé are joining forces again under the aegis of Radio-Canada to direct a miniseries of ten episodes.

Rafael Miró

Rafael Miró

A tormented ex-policeman, bitter at being accused of collaborating with crime. A hothead who is used to acting first, and then bailing out, alienating in the process his colleagues, his family and his neighbors. Here is the character of Larry, hero of an eponymous ten-episode thriller whose filming will begin in a month.

We are far from the tone of Life, life, the series that earned writer Stéphane Bourguignon and Patrice Sauvé notoriety two decades ago. While this first series had charmed the public with its comical and relaxed thirties, Larry will feature characters on the cusp of retirement, and will hold more of the action series than comedy. “What I like about Stéphane is that he is able to change his tone each time he pitched something to us,” said André Béraud, director of fiction on Radio- television, astonished. Canada.

In the ten episodes that make up the series, Larry’s character will travel a Damascus road, revisiting his past and his relationship with his family. This redemption will begin when he finds himself in spite of himself in the middle of a shooting, which will leave his wife France seriously disabled. Unable to face this upheaval, Larry will try to compensate by investigating the perpetrators of the shooting, in defiance of all laws and respect for those around him.

“He’s an extremely rich character,” enthuses Benoît Gouin, who will play Larry. “We always say that, but it’s really a page turner “. He will be joined in the title roles by two actresses he knows well. Macha Limonchik will play Lisa, a fellow police officer who is the only one to follow him in his quest, while Monique Spaziani will play France, his wife who will have to learn to live with a disability.


Benoît Gouin will play the title role in Larry.

Larry will be broadcast first on Tou.tv, then presented on Radio-Canada.

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