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Radicals launch three Molotov cocktails in Barcelona and warn: Pacifism is over


05/26/2020 05:00

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Postcoronavirus summer is the hottest in Catalonia. But not because of the inevitable economic crisis, but because of the social crisis from which the most extreme groups on the independence political spectrum want to take advantage. “Ten years of ‘process’ for the independence of Catalonia. 306 years of Spanish occupation. Lilies are over. Pacifism is over”, Is the slogan launched by the radicals, who want to give a twist and raise the decibels of the ‘kale borroka’ in the Catalan streets.

Proof of this street violence escalation are the episodes of attacks that already took place this Sunday night: the PSC headquarters, the headquarters of the Treasury in the Sarrià-Sant Gervasi district and the Post de Horta-Guinardó. There are three episodes that the Mossos d’Esquadra believe that they can be connected and that the same hand has directed them in time so that they took place in approximately the same space of time, shortly before midnight.

Miquel Iceta, leader of the socialists, regretted this new attack (the socialist headquarters of Ciutat Vella was attacked 15 days ago). Unfortunately, tonight, our headquarters suffered an attack through the launch of a Molotov cocktail. Fortunately, it only made noise and smoke and our legal services have filed a complaint this morning for these events, ”denounced the top leader of the PSC this Monday morning in an appearance before the press.

He took the opportunity to say that “nothing justifies violence. Socialists will continue to work from respect for the ideas of others through political action and speech. He also took advantage of this incident to alert about “the messages of radicalization and extremism that can generate a breeding ground where violent attitudes take shape and, therefore, alert everyone to language, political discourse and try to avoid these elements of radicalization that can later get out of hand. “

Prepare to act

But from the other side of the street, there are extremist groups and organizations that are willing not to give up and to heat up the environment so that the independentist ‘party’ or the ‘mambo’ does not decline. “Many of us have had enough of following the proclamations of ‘we are people of peace.’ We were people of peace and now we are people of action. We are those people who believe that the best future for Catalonia will be that decided by the people, ”radical groups harangued in communications to their activists.

A. Fernández. Barcelona

“Exaggerate the pain and always say that it was police brutality and that it appears in the report.” The words “always” and “police brutality” are capitalized in the message.

Extremists assure that “the management of the health contingency is showing us that Being part of the Spanish State hurts us, also, to survive a pubic health crisis. IsSo, the time to prepare to act, each with their own possibilities, to become a free state ”.

Radical groups have opened during this pandemic digital civil disobedience workshopswhere are they taught urban guerrilla tactics and classes are given on how to sabotage buildings or how to construct barricades, for example, as well as the basic instructions to make identification difficult.

news-img-figure">Enrollment in training.Enrollment in training.
news-img-caption-def">Enrollment in training.

“Let’s prepare to make the next attacks. We cannot rely on improvisation and lack of initiative. Enroll in training”Says a message that circulates in radical Catalan circles. Registrations are made to three categories, depending on the involvement that each activist wants to risk. In the ‘First line’, the most radical members will be grouped. “It’s about the action group willing to take physical risks, bravery (sic) and desire to liberate the country. They are in charge of executing the actions at street level ”. The ‘second line’ is “the group that is in the place of the action but in a second row, controlling security, keeping snacks, clothing, controlling the perimeter, reporting if there have been arrests. Is he link between the first line and support. You also need to be minimally fit. ” Finally, the group of ‘support for action ’, which “is the one in the ‘back office’ of the actions and the organization: dissemination on social networks, communicating arrests, press releases, planning and reviewing the timing of the actions, checking the impact of the actions “

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May 12 class

One of the classes that have already been taught is techniques to choose clothing, which is date of last May 12. In fact, the slogan launched through social networks by extremist circles is that after carrying out any action at night (such as this Sunday), the activist disappears from the scene. You should never stay nearby and, if anything, the next day he has to take a photo of the damage caused to distribute this graphic material through the networks.

In the new ‘kale borroka’ actions that are being prepared, the supporters advise “to change clothes between actions”. This is because last October, when the protests against the 1-O sentence took place, there were activists who always wore the same clothes. “This fact allowed them to be detained, since the same agents who participated in the previous summons did so the following day. Therefore, it is necessary to be prudent and precautions can be taken ”. The first slogan is change clothes often to “maintain anonymity and that we are not related from one action to another”.

Antonio Fernández. Barcelona

The objective is to carry out a low-intensity but permanent mobilization to maintain tension among the militancy. They claim to be the ‘Malay drop’ of the Spanish State

The workshop emphasizes “changing clothes near the place where the action is carried out”, using the garments “only and exclusively so that they can be recorded” whether by police, private, ATM, traffic or establishment cameras . The change of clothes has to be done between cars or in a “hardly visible” place. Clothing should be stored in a backpack or bag “that can be carried on top of it or hidden under a vehicle or kept by the support group. Once the action is over, change your clothes in a place away from the action space ”. As clothing options, the workshop recommends a dark sweatshirt, ‘buff’, hat or hood, dark pants, high-top sneakers to avoid ankle sprains and a backpack.

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The radicalization of the street is not only nourished by radical platforms or by the defense committees of the republic (CDR), which want to be revitalized in this new stage. Organizations such as the CUP and its youths, articulated in the Arran organization, also join the escalation of street tension. This Monday, Endavant, the hard core of the CUP, struck out loud: it sent its activists a forceful message: “This Tuesday, we continue the mobilizations throughout the country that began last Tuesday in different parts of the territory under the slogan ‘Let’s take back the streets: Life before capital! ”. This organization has had no qualms about claiming last Tuesday the sabotage of more than twenty parking meters in Lleida, after the return to operation of the same, which were off since the decree of the alarm state. In Barcelona, ​​they have started working again this week too.

In their communication, the CUP officials warn that in the calls, the sanitary criteria for the use of masks and respecting the distances between protesters must be respected and that at eight o’clock on Tuesday afternoon, concentrations must be held in “each neighborhood and town of the Catalan Països ”. Only in the Catalan capital 14 concentrations are planned under the motto remos Let’s take back the streets ’. For these mobilizations – which for the first time are not organized through Twitter or Telegram – a web page has been opened that centralizes all the information.

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