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Radiators, a very hot house and a halved bill: all you have to do is do this manoeuvre

The expensive energy is hitting not only Italy, but also the European territory in general. All this started when the first conflicts broke out in Ukraine, which clearly had important and serious consequences on the whole European territory.

First of all we recall the crazy increase in the prices of raw materials, followed immediately after by the rise in energy costs, both electricity and methane gas. Following the obvious increases by the companies supplying the monthly bills, many Italian families have found themselves in serious difficulty in making payments, despite the aid that comes from the Italian government, and all the tax breaks it has introduced over the last few months .

Heating in particular is undoubtedly one of the most important and considerable items in terms of energy consumption within the domestic environment, to allow for an adequate temperature, especially during the coldest autumn and winter months such as these we are spending. Between radiators, water heaters, boilers, thermostats and so on, there are so many and varied devices that we use for this process.

Today in particular we will focus on radiators, in fact a simple and quick move is enough to have a warm house, and at the same time halve the energy bills: let’s find out together how all this is possible, avoiding unnecessary waste of energy.

It often happens that we realize that radiators don’t work as they should, and are therefore unable to maintain an adequate temperature inside the home. Don’t worry, in this case it is not necessary to promptly call the administrator of your condominium, since it is a situation that can be resolved quickly and easily.

Useful tips

In the event that a radiator inside the house does not work, a few simple steps will be enough to restore its function. First it will have to check for the presence of airacting on the valve of the upper portion of the radiator, and possibly using a glass in case it leaks water, and a cloth to dry it.

In addition to this, it is advisable to check that the valve is in the lower portion of the radiator, since in the event of closure the hot water will obviously not pass inside the radiator itself, compromising the functionality of the device. In this case we will use a male key to eventually open the tap, and restore the correct functioning of the radiator.

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Finally, always remember to check the correct functioning of the thermostatic valvewhich can be adjusted by loosening the ring nut on the surface, loosening the accord that tightens the thermostatic valve by means of a parrot key, making sure it is working.

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