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Radev: The government owes an answer to the citizens for whose interests it serves – Politics – Bulgaria – NOVA News

“The government owes an answer to the citizens who trusted it, for whose interests it serves – theirs or someone else’s. It must give clear evidence that it is aware of and upholds Bulgarian sovereignty and is guided in its policy by the Bulgarian national interest.” This was stated by President Rumen Radev in a speech to journalists on Wednesday.

He also commented on the suspension of gas supplies from Russia to Bulgaria. “Why was the gas cut only for Bulgaria and Poland? Is it focusing on Austria and Germany and how do they ensure their energy security? Has capacity already been reserved from Greece and other countries? The economic war is escalating and the risk for Bulgaria is rising moment “, the head of state was categorical.

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According to him, the situation thus created will be “a real test of European solidarity”. “Will the EU also help the most energy-dependent and energy-poor country,” Radev added.

He believes that our country “will probably find alternative solutions, but this will require time and money and will mean much higher prices.”

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The President also commented on the issue of arms exports from our country. “There are a number of revelations about where Bulgarian weapons are going. I wonder how the Minister of Economy will explain to Bulgarians and leftists, who have always been against wars, that Bulgarian weapons fuel this conflict,” Radev said.

He spoke out strongly against the idea of ​​Bulgaria providing military assistance to Ukraine. This means a step towards the direct involvement of our country in this conflict. Calls for peace fade and in their place escalate harsh rhetoric and calls for victory. If victory means self-destruction and economic liquidation of Europe, then we are moving rapidly in this direction. Bulgaria must to be part of the efforts for peace and an end to this conflict as soon as possible. Prolonging it will have disastrous consequences in many respects, “he said.

He believes that it is not necessary for a native delegation to visit Ukraine, as “the sovereign Bulgarian position is being worked out in Sofia”.

Radev also commented on Petkov’s ammunition donation campaign for Kyiv. In my opinion, politicians who lose sensitivity to the problems of their people cannot help other nations. I have donated my salaries – for pensioners, for Bulgarian churches, for Bulgarian culture and “Bulgarian Christmas”. I call on our politicians before to save the world, to look at the thousands of needy Bulgarians, “the president said.

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