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“Radev again showed himself as a defender of the Kremlin”. Citizens protested against the president

A protest against President Rumen Radev took place on Friday evening. The occasion was his speech in Brussels, in which he threatened that Bulgaria would impose a veto at the European level if new sanctions against Russia, which include nuclear fuel, are voted on.

The demonstration under the caption “We are Bulgaria, the EU and NATO! Radev – out!” was held in front of the presidency building in Sofia. Protesters chanted “Resignation” and placards read “Radev out! Traitor!” and “Radev is a friend of the Devil”.

The event was organized by the “Future with Memory” initiative.

“Rumen Radev has once again shown himself as the defender of the Kremlin in the EU, contrary to the Bulgarian national interest. The Russian intervention in our country is now official. We must not tolerate this national betrayal”write the organizers of the protest.

“No one doubts anymore that the “Radev” lattice strategy in Bulgarian politics, as well as his circle, which was empowered at the highest level in the state – offices, ministers, heads of special services, are part of Russia’s hybrid war for the control of Bulgaria. Rumen Radev abandoned the role of a “NATO” general long ago, because in the process of Russia’s ongoing aggression and under the pressure of the Kremlin’s needs, he once again exposed himself with his speech in the heart of Europe”they also point out.

According to them, the president has done everything possible and “uses all his power and abomination to protect Kremlin interests.” “He pretends to be concerned about the Bulgarian people and our national sovereignty, throwing us into the clutches of the master of the “special military operation – occupation” in Ukraine. Radev and his circle of lackeys of pro-Putin interests must be isolated from the management of the state! Otherwise, they will continue to subjugate our country in the interests of Putin’s Eurasian empire and will deprive Bulgaria of its European future.”also indicate from the “Future with memory” initiative.

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