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Radebeul: Students invite to a public panel discussion at Radebeul High School

Students invite to a public panel discussion at Radebeul High School

The break hall of the Luisenstift high school in Radebeul will become a discussion stage. On Tuesday, students will speak with experts about the PISA shock, digitalization in Saxony’s schools and the future of their education.

2 Min.

The future of schools and education will be discussed on Tuesday at the Luisenstift Gymnasium in Radebeul. © Arvid Müller

Radebeul. The Saxon state elections are imminent. Since school policy is a task for the federal states, it usually plays a special role in the election campaign. The students from the Luisenstift high school in Radebeul are also looking into this topic in more detail. In a public panel discussion entitled “PISA shock 2.0 – a wake-up call for Saxony’s schools?” they invite anyone interested to join in the discussion.

The event will take place on Tuesday, August 13th from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the recreation hall of the Luisenstift high school. The panel discussion will be planned and moderated by students from the Luisenstift who are interested in politics. They will receive support from the Saxon State Office for Political Education.

Representatives from the State Ministry and the city are invited

Topics will include the PISA study and digitization in Saxony’s schools. In addition, ideas will be discussed as to what school education in Saxony could look like in the future. The student body has invited the head of the “Principles, Quality Development, Education Monitoring, International Affairs” department of the Saxon State Ministry of Culture, as well as the head of the Office for Education, Youth and Social Affairs of the City of Radebeul, Elmar Günther, the state student representative Amy Kirchhoff, Simona Tomasini from the Education and Science Union and Patricia Kröber, professor of social pedagogy and counseling at Mittweida University of Applied Sciences.

The event is open to everyone, and questions can also be asked to the experts. (SZ/lyk)

The panel discussion “PISA Shock 2.0 – a wake-up call for Saxony’s schools?” will take place on August 13th in the Radebeul Luisenstift, Straße der Jugend 3. It starts at 6 p.m. in the school’s recreation hall.

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