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Racing thrashed Arsenal and achieved its first win

A great goal from a free kick by Gonzalo Piovi opened the door. A conquest by Facundo Mura, in position 9, after good collective action. And a ball shot that overcame the barrier and fell like a bomb on Medina. Racing went into the break with the game settled, with the particularity that his three shots were from his left foot. Ideal to enjoy after an adverse championship start. On the night where Fernando Gago decided to break his favorite scheme and move the middle cards forward, the first satisfactions came from the bottom and the finishing touch was in charge of those who know the most with the ball.

The Academy was left with the victory that it intended to feed its confidence. Two points was little, very little. Racing played it with the appetite of those in need. And he quickly filled his stomach, with a forcefulness that allowed him to control the times and recover the good circulation of the ball that he defends as a flag. At times he did it, even on a bad playing field. And when that happened, he exposed the shortcomings of a poor rival who, not coincidentally, barely has a point in his backpack.

On the move, Gago surprised (as he has been doing lately in the formations), but not only with the inclusion of names among the starters. This time he was encouraged to break the tactical system. He broke away from his 4-3-3 to draw a flexible 4-2-3-1, with the starting entry of Johan Carbonero as a winger on the left (Moralez left) and the continuity of Hauche, last night as a midfielder in the center . Pintita’s chip movement promised, from the names, greater aggressiveness from the middle forward.

The start of the game for the Academy was weak, which had some uncomfortable moments. Arsenal put pressure on him and hurt him with the imbalance that Lautaro Guzmán gave him on the left of the attack. Matías Rojas began to grow and Gago’s team warned with shots from outside the area. Little by little, he settled down from his supremacy in the hierarchy. Arsenal, with a line of five, fell back quickly and closed the spaces for Racing, who initially responded lukewarmly. But everything was broken with that brilliant Piovi. Arse went ahead (he left the line of five behind for one of four), albeit out of ideas. Racing went through the match with the serenity of the result and the game. He defended himself with the ball, faithful to his philosophy. Arias touched her little in the second half and answered well, while some advances from Arse ended badly. With solvency and offensive power, the Academy gave itself the boost it needed.


Professional League 17-2-2023

Piovi put Racing ahead

Professional League 17-2-2023

Mura scored the second of the Academy

Professional League 17-2-2023

Rojas for the 3 to 0 of Racing


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