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Rabies in Cats: Statistics and Prevention Measures from Upper South Veterinary Research Center

Today (4/5/67) The Upper South Veterinary Research and Development Center Has Come Out To Release Laboratory Disease Investigation Statistics That Found Rabies Occurred In Cats It Is The Third Most Common Of after dogs and cattle. Most cats become infected when they are bitten by a dog that has the rabies virus. If bitten around the head and mouth, a broken jaw and split palate may be found. Making unusual noises/voice changes Walking around/restless

Since the beginning of 2024, there have been at least 4 reports of disease outbreaks in the area, indicating that the disease cycle cannot yet be broken. One way to stop the cycle of disease is to reduce the population at risk. By vaccinating against rabies according to the appropriate program. In animals born from mothers who are vaccinated every year Vaccination can begin at 3 months of age in puppies whose mother’s vaccination status is unknown. Or in disease areas, vaccination may be needed sooner. and repeat the stimulus at least once.

Recently, rabies was detected in 1 cat owned or fostered by a female kitten, approximately 4 months old, last seen at the site of case 67J09099 (prior to being sent for treatment in hospitalized to death and later diagnosed with rabies), hurry and see a doctor immediately. to assess risk and consider rabies prevention

Photo courtesy: Sikarin Hospital

If you see an animal showing suspicious signs of rabies Contact community leaders, animal volunteers, village health volunteers, Sub-District Health Promotion Hospitals, local government agencies. or Animal Office or public health in the area Concerned by the Animal Development Department

2024-05-04 11:01:39

#Songkhla #common #dogs #cattle

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