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R.Jampolskė – about the relationship between myself and my daughter: “I have always treated her as equal to myself” | Names

“I have always treated her as equal to myself, as if with a friend, that’s why our relationship is so good,” says R. Jampolskė.

Mother’s Day is an important holiday for Renata Jampolskė. Portal People.com she says that a day when full attention is paid to mothers and grandmothers is very much needed: although we constantly feel love and gratitude for their care and effort, we often do not tell and show it.

Photo album of personal album /Renata Jampolskė with her daughter

Renata, who has not had a mother for a decade, greets her beloved grandmother every year. She gives her grandmother, with whom she has a very strong connection, a bouquet of her favorite flowers.

Still, R. Jampolskė, who became a mother six years ago, claims that on that day she feels not the desire to be greeted, but the pride of her lonely daughter Vilte.

“Joy comes that day, but I am more happy not for myself, but for my child. This is the moment when I am proud to have and grow it. I think what a great child my child did, a job, a drawing, ”Renata Jampolskė says to her daughter.

Her and actor’s Marius Jampolskis’ six-year-old daughter is a girl with an artistic soul who attends kindergarten and two groups – painting and a baby singing studio “Hey”, led by vocal teacher Viktorija Kalpokaitė. Both parents take great care of their daughter’s talents and coordinate their agendas with her activities.

Photo album of personal album /Renata Jampolskė with her daughter

Photo album of personal album /Renata Jampolskė with her daughter

“In the morning I go to work and take Viltė to kindergarten, later Marius takes her to groups. When I have finished work, I pick it up and go home, returning at about 8 pm. On Wednesday, when Vilta has no activities after work, I go to sports and Marius takes her home from kindergarten, ”says the woman about her daily life.

The routine is brightened by cute rituals, which, of course, do not have much time left on weekdays. Mother’s and daughter’s time is an hour before bedtime, during which they engage in some activity. Renata and Viltė often read each other’s books, just as she did with her grandmother as a child.

The family spends more time together on the weekends. Renata tries to get her daughter to learn something new during her two days off, so she takes her to museums and shows, and sometimes they just go for a walk.

Photo album of personal album /Renata Jampolskė with her daughter

Photo album of personal album /Renata Jampolskė with her daughter

R.Jampolskė People.com assures that the relationship between her and Hope is very strong. This, she says, is determined by her ability to treat her six-year-old daughter as an equal person and look at her like a friend rather than a baby.

“I often ask in the morning what shoes are better for me to wear, wear a dress or pants, I ask if I look beautiful. I always listen to her advice, ”Renata smiles.

Hope herself talks to her mother about style issues – she asks what she looks like. Still, the daughter, according to Renata, also understands very well what clothes fit and what she likes.

“I still complete the combinations of clothes, but I will always ask them what they want to wear – pants or a dress. Depending on her choice, I present several options and she chooses a favorite.

Nevertheless, Hope is very artistic, has its own taste and nothing suits her. She will definitely not wear jeans, a tulle skirt and some other sweater on top. She also has an understanding of colors, so she doesn’t even question whether yellow goes well with red. ” People.com claims R.Jampolskė.

Photo album of personal album /Renata Jampolskė with her daughter

Photo album of personal album /Renata Jampolskė with her daughter

She adds that her work with her daughter is by no means limited to developing her style. By educating Hope, she tries to avoid what she did not like herself as a child and to nurture the core values ​​of life. For her, the most important thing is for the girl to grow up to be a good person, to be polite and not to hurt others. True, to discipline her daughter often loses her.

“Hope is a mature enough child and I don’t have to explain it to her so that she doesn’t need to be beaten, climbed or go somewhere. Sure, I warn her to be careful, but that’s something else.

For example, we drove down the road and in front of the pedestrian crossing she got off the scooter. I haven’t told her that in my life! Of course, maybe she heard it in kindergarten or elsewhere, but the most important thing is that she remembers these remarks and I don’t need to remind her anymore, ”Renata Jampolskė says with pride.

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