Actors, actresses and personalities around music fill the covers of magazines and it’s basically impossible to forget how they look. But can you correctly guess what popular celebrities looked like when they rattled rattles instead of microphones and posed for their relatives’ cameras instead of cameras?
Test your knowledge of celebrities and guess what they looked like in childhood. Then don’t forget to tell us in the comments how the quiz went for you. And if you want to test your skills even more, you can try to guess what famous people did before starting their star careers in this quiz.
QUIZ: Do you recognize celebrities from childhood photos?
Source: The List
You definitely know this little girl. Guess who it is.

Source: Twitter
Who is in this photo?
Taron Egerton (representative of Elton John)

Source: Pinterest
Which famous actress looked like this as a child?

Source: The Mirror
This is really simple, isn’t it?

Source: The List
This celebrity has been on top for many years. Do you recognize her?

Source: Twitter
He does not deny his cuckoo to this day. Who is it?

Source: Tumblr
Who posed like that?

Source: TV Nova
Bonus question from the Czech environment. Who is this jolly boy?
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