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Quiet May night for the police


Few people on the streets and a few jokes that turned out to be criminal offenses in retrospect, the police found on May night in the region. This is likely to have been due to the nightly exit and contact restrictions in connection with the Corona regulation as well as the weather.

In Erbach One resident complained about noise around 2.15 a.m. The officers met six people on Max-Eyth-Strasse who were celebrating loudly. Those involved showed themselves to be unreasonable of the police’s measures and also resisted all the officials’ requests, so that there was resistance. Advertisements are now being sent to men and women between the ages of 29 and 35.
At around 5.15 a.m., a witness called the police, suspecting that four men with wheel loaders were in Langenau wanted to steal a block of concrete. The police came. The officers found that the men were trying to set a maypole.
At a building in Adlerstrasse in Ehingen the police found smears of paint in the early hours of the morning. Strangers had left their traces with graffiti and then fled.
Between 7 and 6.30 a.m. strangers removed the maypole in front of the town hall in Berkheim and sawed it in six pieces. The perpetrators then laid them out on the town hall forecourt. Instead of the actual maypole, the strangers then set up a tree trunk, which was hung with masks and remarks on the corona policy.
In Tannheim Strangers threw a traffic sign into a resident’s garden and at the same time stole the man’s garden gate. At around 8:30 a.m., witnesses told the police that strangers had come in at night Bad Schussenried Had cut down trees. The trunks were partly on the sidewalk in Lessing- and Droste-Hülshoff-Straße, so that the fire brigade and the building yard had to move in and clear the trees. Around 8 a.m. in the Laupheim area, witnesses reported a lime trail that ran through several villages and was also visible on the B30. The fire brigade came and had to clean the road.
The police had to record an accident on Friday: around 7 p.m., a 19-year-old and three other people invited a maypole Balmertshofen on a car trailer. The man was standing on the trailer when he saw a car drive towards him. To get to safety, the 19-year-old jumped from the trailer. The driver also wanted to avoid an accident and steered to the right. The man had jumped in this direction too. The BMW hit him and then hit a tree. The 25-year-old driver of the car suffered minor injuries. The 19-year-old was seriously injured. Both came to a hospital. The police later found that the driver had too much alcohol. A doctor took blood from him in a hospital. Also, he hadn’t put on his seat belt while driving. The BMW he was traveling in was not registered and not insured. He was towed away after the accident. The driver is now faced with several advertisements. A Herbrechtingen resident found a punctured tire in the early morning hours of Saturday.
In Bad Boll the police saw around 11:15 p.m. that three girls were trying to unscrew a traffic sign in the alder garden. At the sight of the police, two of them fled. The officers later found her. The 14 to 17-year-olds are now facing reports because they have violated the nightly exit restriction. During the night, strangers had all the hiking park places and paths with them Bad Überkingen cordoned off with a tape recorder and warning signs put up because of the allegedly highly infectious risk of ticks. The police came and removed all material attached by the strangers and have now started the investigation.

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