President Daniel Noboa has managed to get Ecuadorians to support nine of the eleven questions in the referendum and popular consultation held this Sundayaccording to the quick count carried out by the National Electoral Council (CNE).
The only two questions on which Noboa has not achieved popular support have been those related to the acceptance of international arbitration in any jurisdiction and the possibility of hourly work.issues in which the ‘No’ has been 64.88% and 68.83%, respectively, indicated the president of the CNE, Diana Atamaint.
In the rest of the questions, basically related to security issues, the ‘Yes’ has obtained more than 60% in eachaccording to the aforementioned count, which has a margin of error of 1% and thus corroborates an exit poll revealed at the close of the polling stations.
73.05% of those who voted this Sunday approved the participation of the military in support of the Police in security mattersand a 65.11% supported extradition of Ecuadorian citizens who have committed crimes in other countries.
Furthermore, 60.49% accepted the establishment of specialized judiciaries in constitutional matters.
70.72% supported that the Armed Forces control access to prisonswhile 68.23% gave their approval to the increase in penalties for crimes linked to organized crime, such as terrorism and its financing, and human trafficking, among others.
Noboa has also achieved the support of 67.69% for prisoners convicted of crimes linked to organized crime to serve the full custodial sentences, while 64.66% agreed that it be classified as a crime. the possession and carrying of weapons that are for the exclusive use of law enforcement forces.
On the other hand, 64.80% said “Yes” to weapons and ammunition seized for crimes being used by police and military, while 61.97% supported simplifying procedures so that goods of illicit origin become property of the State, according to the aforementioned CNE quick count. EFE

#Quick #count #confirms #Noboas #victory #questions