Despite his increasing success in recent years, the renowned Spanish rapper Quevedo faced a challenging experience during his recent presentation at the Coca Cola Flow Fest, an event that brought together multiple music stars. The response of the Mexican public did not meet expectations, and boos echoed on stage, creating a tense atmosphere.
The discontent expressed by the audience was evident, with screams demanding the rapper leave the stage. This unexpected turn in public reaction contrasts with Quevedo’s successful career, leaving many surprised by the apparently negative response in Mexican lands.
Was it misunderstood?
Some users on social networks suggest the boos could have been misinterpreted, since, according to them, they were actually a request for Quevedo to come down from the stage and come over to greet his followers. However, so far, the musician has not commented on the matter, leaving the reason behind the public’s reaction during his presentation at Flow Fest uncertain.
This episode could mark a milestone in the Spanish rapper’s relationship with his Mexican fans. The lack of a clear response from Quevedo could contribute to speculation surrounding the events that led to the booing and add a layer of intrigue to his upcoming performance in Mexico, should he decide to address this incident in future performances.
������Quevedo is booed in Mexico
��Due to his presentation at the Coca Cola Flow Fest, the Canarian artist had a bad experience with the public from that country.
��️You could continually hear: “Let them take it down!” in the live broadcast.— JEREMIAS (@sirrtotti)
November 27, 2023
2023-11-28 01:09:34
#Quevedo #booed #presentation #Coca #Cola #Flow #Fest