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Queue more cities in the country – NRK Vestland

Among those who have long queued at a traffic light on the E134 between Åmot and Vinje is Kari Holdhus.

– It is clear when you drive between Vestland and Austlandet you hope the transport will go smoothly but today I think we have had a lot of bad luck, says Kari Holdhus.

Holdhus, who is on his way home to Oslo after a stay in Hålandsdalen, says it has our long queues over Haukelifjellet, with tunnel work and detours.

– But now I’m soon in Seljord, so I hope the rest of the road will go smoothly now.

Half an hour wait

At the ferry link Lavik-Oppedal on the E39, our long queues with waiting time of up to one and a half hours.

– The C ferry has been out of operation, tells the operator of the Road Traffic Center, Ketil Molvær.

All three ferries will be there.

GETTING STARTED: After being down for several hours, now all three ferries at the Oppedal-Lavik Ferry Association are up and running again.

Photo: Terje Gilleshammer / NRK

Also on highway 13 in Rogaland there is queue Sunday. In the Hjelmeland-Nesvik-Skipavik connection, our queues have mostly remained on Friday, Sunday and the last weeks.

This Sunday, too, is the cause of heavy traffic, according to Nordled.

Road closed due to embarrassment

In Eastern Norway, traffic is mostly fine, but Sarpebrua on County Road 118 had to shut down for two hours due to traffic congestion.

– It started at 14.42 and 16.45 it was open again, says operator of the Road Traffic Center Ole Fredrik Haugen.

He says that traffic from the west and inwards towards Oslo is going slow, but so far paid.

– Notice that people are on holiday in Norway

Further north, there has been a reported increase and delays on County Road 839 on the ferry route between Tjøtta and Vega on Helgeland. There are also long queues on the ferry link between Vennesund – Holm on fv. 17.

– The ferry association says that they notice it is Norway’s holiday this year already and that there is more demand among Norwegian tourists earlier than usual, says Traffic Operator Renate Aanes in the Road Traffic Center north.

According to Aanes, the queues will probably continue to emerge throughout the afternoon.

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