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Questions and answers about the upcoming corona vaccinations

The region’s vaccination centers are in place, now all that’s missing is the vaccine. While the whole of Europe is waiting for the approval of the Biontech vaccine, many people have questions about the vaccination process and, for example, how to get a vaccination appointment.

Offenbach – In the following we have compiled the most frequent questions about vaccines and vaccinations and answered them according to the current status.

Where are vaccination centers; and which one do I have to go to?

28 vaccination centers were set up across Hesse. There are the following in the region:
– City of Offenbach: Stadthalle, Waldstrasse 312
– Offenbach district: Heusenstamm campus, Jahnstraße 64
– Main-Kinzig-Kreis: August-Schättner-Halle, Hanau, Martin-Luther-King-Straße 48 and the sports hall of the Kreisrealschule, Gelnhausen, Lohmühlenweg 32
– Darmstadt-Dieburg district: Impfzentrum DaDi Ost, Reinheim, Am Sportzentrum 1a and Impfzentrum DaDi West, Pfungstadt, Ostendstraße 3
The vaccination centers are usually easy to reach by public transport and have plenty of parking spaces. You will be told which vaccination center you have to go to after registering for a vaccination appointment. Vaccination takes place in the centers from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.-

How do I get a vaccination appointment?

The appointments should be assigned automatically via an invitation procedure. First of all, the people who belong to group 1 in the prioritization should be vaccinated, then group 2 and then group 3. Individual appointments can also be possible by calling 116 117 or online. The internet address for this is not yet known at the moment. Registrations are not yet possible.

What do I have to bring to the vaccination?

The vaccination against Sars-Cov-19 is entered in the vaccination certificate, so you should take it with you to the vaccination. What if you’ve lost your passport, the Ministry of the Interior couldn’t answer by the time we went to press. Whether or not you will receive an invitation letter after registration that you have to bring with you to the vaccination has not yet been conclusively clarified.

How is my vaccination appointment going?

Only those who have an appointment can get vaccinated. When registering, you give your details. In addition, fever should also be measured. There should be so-called vaccination routes in the centers, through which the patient is guided. After logging in, you will be taken to a vaccination booth where the vaccine will be administered. A doctor is always available on site to answer questions about the vaccine and side effects. You can still decide against vaccination at any time. After the vaccine has been administered, one is led to a rest area where one can wait 15 minutes. This is to be used to ensure that there is an allergic reaction, for example. After the first vaccination appointment, a second vaccination appointment is required four weeks later to ensure that the vaccine is effective.

Is there a compulsory vaccination?

No, no vaccination is planned. However, vaccination of 60 to 70 percent of the population is necessary for herd immunity. This is why, for example, patients who cannot be vaccinated for health reasons depend on as many people as possible to be vaccinated voluntarily. It is also possible that, for example, private companies such as airlines only take people with a vaccination on flights.

What if i had a corona infection? Do I still have to get vaccinated?

Anyone who has been proven to have had a corona infection should initially not be vaccinated. Sabine Wicker, specialist doctor and member of the Standing Vaccination Commission, assumes that there is at least partial immunity a few months after the infection.

Can you pass the coronavirus on to others despite being vaccinated?

How infectious a person is despite being vaccinated has not yet been conclusively clarified. The virus can spread despite being vaccinated. The primary goal of the vaccine, however, is above all to protect risk groups such as the elderly from severe disease.

I live with my parents who belong to the risk group, but I also belong to the risk group myself. Can we vaccinate at the same time?

According to the current state of knowledge, you probably have to come to the vaccination separately. A precise statement was no longer available from the Corona Task Force of the State of Hesse by the editorial deadline. These regulations are currently being worked out in more detail.

I can’t make it to the vaccination center on my own. How do I get my immunization anyway?

For people who cannot be vaccinated in the centers, for example people in old people’s and nursing homes, mobile vaccination teams are available who come to the people.

Why can’t I just get a vaccination from the family doctor?

First of all, not enough vaccine will be available for the majority of the population. Therefore, according to the RKI, all corona vaccinations should take place in special centers. In addition, the first rush for the vaccination can lead to an overload of medical practices and thus endanger the rest of the health care system. In a second phase of the national vaccination strategy, doctors’ practices are to be equipped with the vaccine.

Will the vaccine be given to children and adolescents later?

The active ingredient was only tested on people aged 16 and over in the studies. Therefore, for reasons of safety and effectiveness, it is initially only given to adults. There are several reasons why the vaccine is not injected into children: Among other things, it must first be established in clinical tests before studies on children and adolescents that there are no serious side effects in adults. In addition, children are less ill than adults.

The vaccination centers: staff situation and earnings

The vaccination centers in the region are managed by different operators. In the Offenbach district this is the company Ecolog GmbH, in the Darmstadt Dieburg district the German Red Cross Starkenburg, the Main-Kinzig district operates both vaccination centers itself together with a private personnel service provider. The city of Offenbach is still in negotiations. In total, hundreds of people have already offered to help out in the city and the districts. In Hesse, more than 1000 doctors have already signed up to work in the corona vaccination centers. A first list of 850 contacts had been issued to all centers, announced the State Medical Association in Frankfurt. In general, doctors and medical staff are still being sought everywhere. For this purpose, the city and the district each have forms on their websites on which you can apply directly for the services. A shift usually lasts eight hours. Doctors receive 120 euros gross per hour from the state of Hesse, medical staff 50 euros gross per hour.

From Lukas Reus

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