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Questions and answers about the Coronavirus ⋆ Nürnberger Blatt

Questions and answers about the corona virus – Image: Nürnberger Blatt

How is the novel corona virus transmitted?

The new corona virus is transferable from person to person. The virus is over droplet infection passed on in direct contact with infected people, for example by coughing or sneezing. Whether it is through a Smear, for example touching an object or a person, spread, has not yet been clarified, according to the Robert Koch Institute.

Where does the corona virus come from?

The virus was transmitted from animals to humans. So far, the starting point has been an animal market in Wuhan. It is currently assumed that the virus was transmitted by a bat, such as the one offered for sale there.

How contagious is the corona virus?

The new corona virus is easily transferable because it is better adapted to humans. The virus is considered 10-20 times more contagious than the “normal” SARS virus.

How long is the corona virus incubation period?

The incubation period, the time from infection to the appearance of the first symptoms, lasts up to 14 days according to current knowledge. This is how long it has been proven that infected people also have to go into quarantine. With a mild course of the disease, domestic quarantine is sufficient. The majority of those infected in Germany either did not become ill at all or only slightly with symptoms of a cold.

How can I protect myself against the corona virus?

The most important protective measure against viruses and bacteria of all kinds is: wash hands thoroughly – and more often – hygiene is the be-all and end-all. The rule of thumb is that the fingers should be washed for at least 20 seconds. A simple soap is sufficient for this. Disinfectant is not necessary.

Are viruses transmitted via packages or letters?

It is currently not assumed that the virus will be transmitted via packages or letters.

How dangerous is the corona virus really?

The virus is considered to be very contagious and is more deadly than the flu virus, but: The flu is significantly more relevant and currently highly active in Germany – in comparison: Several thousand people have already been infected with the flu – only a few hundreds with the corona virus.

Is there vaccination or medication?

No, there is currently no medication and no vaccination against the coronavirus. It usually takes several months to years for a drug to be available on the market.

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