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Questions about two different accounts in WhatsApp (WhatsApp)

Hi Forum,

For some time now, WhatsApp has had the option of integrating a second number/account into one and the same app, so that two different WhatsApp numbers can be used on just one phone. Before this was only possible with additional emulation apps such as “Parallel Space”. The function is now called “Add account” in the settings. Instagram (including Meta) has had this for a while. WA has now apparently followed suit.

For me personally, who strictly separates private and business life, this is actually a great option to no longer have to rely on additional apps.

However, this new feature raises some basic questions that I would like to have clarified before the final setup:

1.) Current backup/chat status or restore backup – Where to put the media? Where to put the backup files?

My business account is of course not “empty” but has a chat history including media like any other WhatsApp account that is used normally. How do I set up a second (already existing and not empty) account in the same app? Where do the media files go? In the same media folder as the private WhatsApp account? What if media has the same name and therefore overwrites each other?
The same question regarding the backup files for restoring: do they go into the same “Database” backup folder as the private account? Then there are 2 “msgstore.db” files with identical names, or is one replaced by the other when copied?

Or does WhatsApp now have 2 “WhatsApp” folders on the phone for this new feature, one for the main account and one for another added account?

2.) As I suspect/understand, only 1 account can be actively used at the same time with this function. So if I am online with the “Private” account and am active there – am I then not available for the “Business” account during that time, i.e. “offline” (only 1 tick)? Do messages from the second account still come through via push, even if I am currently active in the other account, or do I have to actively switch over to the other account first to see whether messages have arrived?

At the moment I still have too many questions (which are very essential for me) to throw Parallel Space overboard straight away. But if anyone here in the forum has already had experience with this new function and can specifically say something about the above questions, that would be great.

If it ends up being the case (which is my guess) that you can only use a second account “empty” using this function, i.e. from the beginning without chat history and previous media, then in my opinion this function is relatively pointless. Very few people will want to throw their entire chat history overboard… But even THEN I still have the question of how this will work with local backups – because they would then overwrite the existing backup files of the first account in the database folder…

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