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Question: – Please help me. Women ask me for money on WhatsApp

They don’t even dare to ask for it in person.

We’d met before and I punched them, so they have my number. the case is that after a few days, weeks or months. I receive messages:
Hellooooooooo how are you? How are your studies/work going?
a couple more meaningless questions, to pretend they’re interested in you and soon drop the bomb on you.
hey look i have a brown to see if you could help me.
This is when the shitty excuse comes.
that if she has had unexpected events this month and if I can help her with the rent, or that she has nothing to give/to feed her child, or that if she doesn’t file a complaint, they’ll put her in jail.
in the end there is everything.

They don’t even dare to ask for it in person.
a lot to go from power and independence for life but at the moment of truth to crawl and beg like dogs.
hey i feel terrible for asking you this, my face drops in shame
justifications are a feast of hypocrisy.

The first time they asked me for pasta, I gave it to them like a loser. Thinking that they were doing something good for someone selflessly and that they would at least have the dignity to give the money back when they were in a better financial situation.
How deluded and foolish I was. since then I don’t give money to anyone anymore, and if I do I make sure they will reward me in another way (sex).

the story is always the same.
they ask for money very delicately and kindly.
I mean I don’t make up some bad excuse like I don’t have PayPal or Bizum, that if they want cash they already know where my dick is.
And when they see that they won’t scratch anything, the anger begins, the passive aggressive tone, the insults, they twist the situation to end up as victims and one as a selfish pig and they end up blocking my WhatsApp.

Has this happened to you too? how are you doing? Or let yourself be fooled or keep your head and dick calm?
How do we deal with these things?
I always tell them not to put me in that bad situation, but they insist. They won’t let go of their prey so easily.

I once heard that when a friend asks you for money, be ready to say goodbye to your friend or the money. In this case I think it is the same.

It annoys me because sending them money by mobile phone, for them it is money that fell from the sky, which cost them 0 effort to earn and therefore they do not value it.
If they want money, at least they can earn it by spreading their legs.

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