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“Queendom”, documentary on three drag queens… Fran Lebowitz guides us in New-York

La drag-queen Cookie Kunty. — France televisions – Capatv

There is not only the direct in life, there is also the replay. Of YouTube at Netflix through the replays of TV channels and podcasts radio stations, 20 Minutes every Sunday concocts a list of things to see, or review, listen to or listen to again.

Week of January 18 to 24

Close-up on the Parisian drag scene

The world of drag queens is at best unknown, at worst caricatured and stigmatized by the uninformed. The documentary Queendom,
available on France.tv Slash is a perfect opportunity to become familiar with these figures who combine artistic expression with a political dimension. Marco Novoa and Simon Vivier’s film follows three figures of the Parisian scene: Cookie Kunty, Shigo LaDurée and Le Filip. Through this trio Queendom shows different facets of drag, its importance within the LGBT community, whether or not to address the general public. He underlines that this mode of expression and creation owes a great deal to
the ballroom stage and that it cannot be reduced to the enthusiasm generated by the very popular television competition RuPaul’s Drag Race.

One day go to New York with Fran

Whether you fantasize, worship or loathe New York City, run on Fran Lebowitz: If it was a city … Seven-part documentary series produced for Netflix by Martin Scorsese. Fran Lebowitz is a hard-core New Yorker who knows the megalopolis perfectly, its history and its most pleasing and deplorable aspects. The septuagenarian author has a sense of the formula that hits the mark, the criticism that stings and disarming sarcasm. While a third confinement seems imminent, do not hesitate to follow the guide in the Big Apple while staying on your sofa.

Listening to the naked truth

The podcast Nude has the ambition to “expose the world” through the testimonies of individuals with extraordinary backgrounds. In about twenty minutes, each episode provides accounts of experiences capable of challenging received ideas. The opportunity to listen to Jean-Philippe tell how, a former soldier, he became the first man to practice synchronized swimming in Switzerland. Or that of Jacqueline, 77, who chose the date of her death… Confidences collected by Julie Marcelline.

An uplifting documentary series on rape

In December, France Culture broadcast Raped • es: a history of domination, a documentary series by Clémence Allezard which resonates particularly in the light of the recent
Duhamel case and the wave of
testimonials posted under the hashtag #MeTooGayThis week. The four episodes (“To pose your words”, “To break the silences”, “To fabricate other stories”, “To defend oneself”) revolve around testimonies of people who have been raped and excerpts from the King-Kong Theory by Virginie Despentes. “How to tell again. Doubts guided me, but the obvious: to say again, yes, to recall the figures, between 52,000 and 75,000 women raped per year, about 2,500 men. A rape every 7 minutes according to associations. To say the undervalued realities, to say the magnitude and the inertia, to still listen to the appropriate bodies, the “out of category”, which do not have right of the city ”, writes the journalist in her note of intent.

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