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Queen Mary Celebrates Birthday with Special Photo of Father John Donaldson

CLOSE: Queen Mary is close to her father, John Donaldson, even though they live far apart. The photo was taken last December. Photo: HRH Prince Vincent / The Danish Royal House

Denmark’s new queen celebrates her birthday on Monday and chooses to mark the event by sharing a photo of herself and her father.


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Monday 5 February marks 52 years since he was born in Hobart, Australia. Little did she and her family know at the time that she would later end up as queen of Denmark.

When Queen Margrethe (83) abdicated on 14 January, her eldest son Frederik (55) became king – and Mary queen.

Mary’s Australian dad, John Donaldson (82), was not present during the ceremonial change of throne. According to Danish newspapers, he was not well enough to make the long trip.

– Special moment

But it is dad Mary chooses to show off when she herself celebrates her first birthday as queen.

«On today’s occasion, the Queen has chosen a photo of a special moment with her father from her most recent trip to Australia in December», the royal house writes under the picture Instagram.

It is stated that Prince Vincent (13) took the picture. Vincent is the second youngest of the royal couple’s four children.


Danish Radio states that the flag is being flown on all buses today to pay tribute to the country’s new queen. She also gets, for the first time, cannon salute cannon salute firing of a set number of rounds with cannons or handguns, as a salute or recognition. on its day, at Kronborg Castle at 12.

Mary was 25 when she lost her mother, Henrietta Donaldson. The mother died suddenly after a heart operation and was only 55 years old.

Papa John remarried in 2021, to Susan Elizabeth Donaldson.

John Donaldson is professor of mathematics and has, among other things, worked as a guest lecturer at Oxford University in England.

The last time John Donaldson visited Denmark was in 2021. He also took the trip in 2019.


Published: 05.02.24 at 10:50

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2024-02-05 09:50:17

#Queen #Mary #turns #today #Honors #dad

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