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Quebec’s Dismal Transportation System: A Call for Leadership and Action

Dismal ferry service, Quebec bridge falling into ruins, a work which should be the pride of Quebec has become an object of embarrassment, not to say shame.

This week again, the public procurement authority in turn denounced the laxity and incompetence concerning the failing maintenance of the Pierre-Laporte bridge.

Everything happens as if the third link had held the whole question of transport mobility hostage in the Capitale-Nationale region.

Now that this crazy project has finally been abandoned, a last stand would consist of sacrificing the tram project, just to close the loop.

This government has become the proponent of immobility in terms of mobility. It is high time he pulled himself together and put aside his short-term electoral calculations.

Leadership sometimes means taking the risk of dissatisfying people in the pursuit of necessary projects that could ultimately and ironically satisfy those same people at the end of the exercise.

Talk to the citizens of Bordeaux, Lyon and other cities who would no longer do without their tram today…

Vincent Cayouette, Lévis

2023-11-05 23:44:47
#CAQ #government #maintaining #immobility #terms #mobility

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