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Quebec renounces compulsory vaccination of healthcare workers

The Minister of Health, Christian Dubé, believes that he has reached the limit of the possible effort and that suspending unvaccinated workers would have too great an impact on the provision of care. (Photo: The Canadian Press)

Quebec – The Minister of Health, Christian Dubé, believes that he has reached the limit of the possible effort and that suspending unvaccinated workers would have too great an impact on the provision of care.

“For many Quebecers, including me, it remains incomprehensible that health workers do not want to be vaccinated. As it seems like a hard core, I think we really have to do something and, unfortunately, our health network, in our current situation, cannot do without these people, ”sighed Minister Dubé. visibly resigned, at a press conference on Wednesday.

From Glasgow, where he takes part in the COP26, Prime Minister François Legault had the same reaction of incomprehension, but he fully assumed the decision: “It shocks me to be quite honest because I have a hard time understanding that someone who studied in health refuses to be vaccinated when experts are unanimous in the world that it is the right thing to do to avoid catching COVID and to avoid giving it to other people . It’s not a situation that is ideal for me, but I make the decision that is responsible. ”

The unvaccinated under close surveillance

According to data released by Minister Dubé, 97% of health care workers are now vaccinated. Among the approximately 14,000 unvaccinated, 8,000 work in the field and of these, 5,000 employees (nurses, orderlies, technicians and others) are in direct contact with patients.

Mr. Legault acknowledged that at 97% “a ceiling seems to have been reached”. He described the refusal of the refractory as “inadmissible”, but repeated that the decision was his: “I weighed the pros and cons and, responsibly, unfortunately, we will be forced to keep these employees, otherwise there would be service disruptions ”.

Quebec intends to redeploy these workers to prevent them from coming into contact with vulnerable patients.

All unvaccinated employees, including those who are not in the field, should be subjected to a very strict screening regimen of three tests per week. Those who refuse to be tested will be suspended without pay. In addition, COVID bonuses and retention bonuses will be refused to them.

Vaccination will however be compulsory for all new employees, but no longer for current employees.

“The least worst of decisions”

Christian Dubé said that suspending all unvaccinated employees would, according to the ministry’s simulations, have caused service reductions or reorganizations involving temporary service closures in more than 500 cases.

“We are making the least worst decision. it’s not a decision we like to make, but at some point that’s what we have to manage, ”said Minister Dubé.

“We are now moving from compulsory vaccination to compulsory screening,” he summarized.

In Scotland, François Legault echoed his minister by invoking the balance of inconveniences: “There is a risk, but there is a greater risk, if we lack nurses, if we are not able to treat the Quebecois. So, it’s a balance of disadvantages and unfortunately (…) we have a network which is very, very fragile and we cannot afford to lose this 3%. What we have mainly evaluated are the breaks in service and it is obvious that it is not acceptable to lack personnel to treat Quebecers. ”

97% it’s not a failure

“We should not see it as a failure, on the contrary,” pleaded the national director of public health, Doctor Horacio Arruda, who took his place alongside the minister. “We probably would not have obtained the 97% if we had not made compulsory vaccination.”

Doctor Arruda repeated a phrase often heard since the start of the pandemic, namely that “there is no such thing as zero risk, but we arrive at a risk that is quite acceptable and the reverse, having less staff, we would jeopardize certain services ”.

Christian Dubé agreed: “Today, to be at 97%, it’s a success. Now that we have reached 97%, what remains (of unvaccinated), we will guarantee Quebecers that these people will be screened three times a week. ”

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