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Quantum Breakthrough: New Class of States Discovered in Graphene

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AB-stacked bilayer graphene has emerged⁤ as ​a ‍fascinating yet simple platform for exploring macroscopic quantum phenomena of correlated⁢ electrons.Unexpectedly,‍ a phase with negative​ dR/dT has recently been observed when a ‌large electric ⁣displacement field is applied and ⁣the charge carrier ⁢density is tuned to⁢ the vicinity of an ​ultra-low-density van Hove singularity.This phase exhibits…

Wigner crystallization occurs at the ⁣zigzag edges⁣ of graphene at surprisingly high electronic ‌densities up ‌to 0.8 nm1. In ​contrast with​ one-dimensional electron gas, the‌ flatband ​structure of the edge ​states‌ makes the system interaction dominated, facilitating ⁣…

Physicists⁤ have consistently bent the rules of this game, finding new and unusual ⁢ways to alter properties ​of resistance or coordinate into ‌exotic states.For these reasons, graphene has become a perfect playground ‍to search for clues on low-resistance conductivity or test the boundaries ​of various quantum effects.

One such ⁣effect is a ⁤’freezing’ of electrons into restricted positions, effectively turning them from a flowing liquid-like mass into something ⁢with structure. Known as a Wigner crystal,this phase of electrons has characteristic⁢ shapes and behaviors researchers thought ‌they understood well.

In this run of​ experiments,the researchers⁣ twisted stacks of single-atom sheets ⁢of graphene in a way‌ that forced the unbonded carbon atoms to align in ⁤what’s described as a moiré (pronounced mwa-ray) effect.

### Moiré⁣ Effects and ​Graphene

Moiré effects aren’t hard to find in our day-to-day world. Seen in stacks of mesh or screens, they⁤ appear as repeating lines, circles, or curves as contrasts in darkness and light making up the mesh combine⁢ or cancel.

![Graphene 3D balls](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8e/Graphene-3D-balls.png/1200px-Graphene-3D-balls.png)

Only​ in this case, the contrasting structures in the twisted graphene play‌ havoc with ⁣the electron’s geometry,⁤ or ‍what is referred to as the topology of​ its landscape.‌ The result is a shift in the electron’s speed,‌ with some even developing a twist as⁤ they ⁣move along the ​edges of the material.

“This leads to a paradoxical ⁤behaviour of⁤ the topological electronic crystal not seen in conventional Wigner crystals of the past – despite the ​crystal forming upon freezing electrons into an ordered array, it can nevertheless conduct electricity​ along its boundaries,” says Folk.

It’s in this bizarre new realm of electron behavior‍ that strange⁣ activities ⁤emerge, such as the quantization of resistance known ⁢as the [quantum Hall effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_Hall_effect).

New states of topological​ activity​ like this are a potential gold mine for physicists keen to explore ways ‌to​ create ‌quantum computing units known as qubits that are‌ more ​resistant than the⁢ conventional⁢ sorts‍ based on essential particles.

Contorting⁢ narrow stacks of graphene into ⁢the electron equivalent of a Möbius strip might only be the start. Geometry on ‌this scale ⁢is theorized ⁤to deliver a bizarre zoo of electron [quasiparticles](https://www.sciencealert.com/quasiparticles)⁣ with all kinds of​ twisted new physics.

This research was published in *Nature*.—

*Source: [Jynto/Wikimedia Commons/PD](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Graphene-3D-balls.png) / ScienceAlert*

Graphene Twisting Experiment Yields Surprising Electron States

⁢ Physicists ⁤have consistently bent the⁢ rules of this game, finding new adn unusual ways too alter properties of resistance or⁢ coordinate into exotic states. For⁢ these reasons, graphene has become a perfect​ playground to‌ search for clues on low-resistance conductivity or test the boundaries of various quantum effects.

Editor: One such ​effect is a ‘freezing’ of electrons into restricted positions, effectively turning them from a flowing liquid-like mass into something with structure. Known as ⁤a Wigner crystal, this phase of electrons has characteristic shapes and behaviors researchers thought they⁢ understood well.‌ How⁣ does this experiment differ ⁢from‌ previous studies on Wigner crystals?

Guest: In this run of experiments, the researchers twisted stacks of single-atom ⁣sheets of graphene in a way that forced the unbonded carbon atoms to align in what’s described as a moiré (pronounced mwa-ray) effect. This moiré pattern essentially creates a new geometric landscape for ‌the electrons ‍to interact with, perhaps leading to new and unexpected states.

Editor: ⁣Can you⁤ elaborate on what researchers mean‍ by moiré patterns and ‍how they’re​ applied in this context?

Guest: Moiré effects aren’t⁤ hard⁢ to find in our day-to-day world. Seen in stacks of mesh or screens, they appear as repeating lines,​ circles, or curves as contrasts in darkness and light making up‌ the mesh⁢ combine or⁤ cancel.‍ In this graphene study, the contrasting structures in the twisted graphene play havoc with⁤ the electron’s geometry, altering the electrons’ behavior in significant ways.

Editor: What are the‍ potential⁢ implications‍ of⁣ these findings for the growth of quantum computing?

Guest: Contorting narrow stacks of graphene into the electron equivalent of a Möbius strip might only be the start. Geometry ‍on this scale is theorized to ‌deliver a⁢ bizarre zoo of electron ⁢quasiparticles with all ‍kinds of twisted new ⁤physics. These⁢ peculiar states could potentially‍ create more robust qubits, which are crucial for developing more stable ‌quantum computing units.

Author: This research was published in Nature.

Quantum Breakthrough: New Class of States Discovered in Graphene

⁣!Graphene​ 3D balls

⁢ This research finding is significant as it explores novel ‍ low-resistance conductivity and quantum effects that may revolutionize the field of quantum computing.

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