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Quality shows for the coming months at the Theater of the House of Culture of Collado Villalba

A total of eight shows “With sufficient quality for our city” make up the programming for the months of February, March and April that the Department of Culture of the City of Collado Villalba has presented this morning. The councilor of the area, Pepe Colmenero, explained that the proposals will be carried out in the municipal theater, for which all the hygienic and sanitary measures of the Community of Madrid will be adopted and has stressed that “culture is safe and necessary ”.

In a telematic press conference, where he was accompanied by the mayor, Mariola Vargas, Colmenero has shelled “a very interesting program with front-line shows aimed at all audiences ”.

Agreement with Apascovi

In addition, the Councilor for Culture has taken the opportunity to announce the renewal and expansion of the agreement with the Apascovi Foundation. Thanks to this signature, several people with disabilities will be able to work both as room staff or helping at the lockers, as they have been doing until now, as well as in the loading and unloading area or as supporting technical work in the House of Culture.

“The sensations they have transmitted to us in this time have been very positive,” Colmenero said of his work in the tent of the La Malvaloca estate, where several shows programmed by the Consistory have been held, both for the work carried out and for the team of people who have collaborated.

Other scenarios

Although the program presented this morning, belonging to the Network of Theaters of the Community of Madrid, will be developed entirely in the municipal theater, the Councilor for Culture has advanced that are exploring other scenarios such as the La Malvaloca tent, Los Belgas or other outdoor spaces or the Miguel Hernández library, where he is studying the possibility of taking exhibitions given the impossibility of using the low money of the House of Culture due to “the internal movement of the workshops, the theater … and allowing safe access and complying with the regulations of the Community of Madrid”.

Regarding the accessibility works, once the first phase is finished, the councilor has explained that the part of the works, corresponding to the last floor of the theater, the exhibition hall and the ground floor, is in an administrative process to take out the sheet. “Once completed, the House of Culture will be fully accessible to people with reduced mobility.”

The Councilor for Culture, Pepe Colmenero, in a file image


The program starts this Friday, February 26, with the play “As in one’s home … (nowhere)”, starring the popular actor Santi Rodríguez. A comedy for adult audiences.

On Friday, March 5, programming continues with Women of flesh and verse”, a show that vindicates feminine poetry in a journey that spans 26 centuries, with poems in the voice of Juan Valderrama and songs from different musical genres.

March 12 is presented “Lunátika”, a hymn to the liberation of the mind and the body through the absurd and genuine humor of Cristina Medina. A comedy for adult audiences.

On Saturday, March 13, the Fetén Fetén concert will be held “The magical planet of unusual instruments”, a family show in which you can enjoy a wonderful journey through the different rhythms and melodies of Spanish popular music.

On Thursday, March 18, Alex O’Dogherty offers us “Idiot (measuring the words).” In this new show, he talks about words, little words and bad words. What is said with words and what is said about them. Of the ability of people to offend and to be offended. And of the right to be and do the IMBÉCIL. A reflection on self-censorship.

On Saturday, April 10, La Fantástica Banda gives us “2020. An odyssey on stage “. The group turns 10 years old and, to celebrate it, they have decided to embark on a journey that will take them through the best songs they have been performing during this decade. A show aimed at family audiences.

On Friday, April 16, Primitals Bros will delight us with “Primitals in concert”. After the success of “Primitals” awarded as the best musical show by the public at the Avignon Theater Festival 2019, Primital Bros, delights us with this delicatessen concert. A crazy musical journey with the personal touch of these four voices. Aimed at the adult audience.

The programming for the month of April closes on Saturday, the 17th, with the Cirko Psikario show “LOWER”. Impossible balances, live music, juggling, acrobatics and magic go hand in hand in a fun show where anything can happen. Aimed at all audiences.

The performances will be held in the theater of the House of Culture from 7 pm.

Complete program in: http://www.colladovillalba.es/recursos/doc/actuialidad1/2021/febrero/porgrama-cultura-febrero-abril.pdf

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