Home » today » News » Qatargate, Panzeri was the “maneuver” for the judges. 750 thousand euros in cash seized in Kaili – Corriere.it

Qatargate, Panzeri was the “maneuver” for the judges. 750 thousand euros in cash seized in Kaili – Corriere.it

from Giuseppe Guastella, sent to Brussels

Police in MEPs offices in Brussels. Seals to the rooms of the assistant to the European parliamentarian of the Democratic Party Andrea Cozzolino. Luca Visentini arrested and released: “I’m a stranger to everything”

A “screen” behind which Antonio Panzeri he moved “maneuvering” like a “boss” in a criminal and unscrupulous way: according to the Belgian judiciary this was the real function of Fight impunitythe NGO for the defense of human rights founded in 2019 by Panzeri who would have influenced the European Parliament by bestowing, through his noble creature, large sums of money and princely gifts from Qatar. Gifts which he would have bestowed on those who, political or not, could guide the decisions of the assembly in favor of the Gulf country close to the World Cup, when it emerged clearly that the emirate was not at the forefront of human rights and workers. And the investigations extend to Milan, at the Italian network linked to Panzeri and to his assets defined as “very substantial”.

The investigations

The developments ofinvestigation by the Belgian federal prosecutor’s office point markedly to the role of the former politician of Pd and then of Article 1 and of his NGO which included in the honorary council personalities of the caliber of the former European commissioners Emma Bonino And Dimitris Avramopoulos and the former EU representative for foreign affairs Federica Mogheriniall resigned due to the scandal that led to prison for conspiracy, corruption and money laundering Panzeri, one of the 14 vice presidents of the European Parliament, the Greek from Pasok Eva Kailithe father and partner of this one, the Milanese Francesco Giorgithe wife and daughter of Panzeri, the secretary of the NGO No peace without justice Niccolo Figà Talamanca. An environment in which the Italian spirit creates camaraderie and complicity and which, but only for a matter of tricolor assonance, extends to the surname of the MEP Marco Tarabellasearched last Saturday in front of the president of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola that she had to purposely rush back from Malta.


The investigations are also moving quickly on the axis Brussels-Milan to identify the network of Panzeri’s relationships. Taking advantage of Eurojust, the investigating judge Michele Claire he is receiving legal aid from the adjunct Fabio De Pasquale who leads the “international affairs” department of the Milan prosecutor’s office. It was he who ordered the search of Panzeri’s home in Calusco D’Adda (Bergamo) where his wife and daughter are under house arrest and where the Gdf found 17 thousand euros in cash, which add up to the 600 thousand seized from the man at the moment of the arrest in a residence in Brussels. There are many, too many money going around in this story. In addition to the banknotes, Panzeri and his family seem to possess an important wealth made up of current accounts, which were acquired together, and real estate which can hardly be justified only with the rich prerogative collected in 10 years of European parliamentary mandate. De Pasquale’s investigations (also searched Giorgi’s house and seized his account) will have to help clarify flows of money arriving from Morocco and Qatar in cash and wire transfers. And then there are the 100,000 euros that would have been spent on a Christmas holiday and the gifts transferred to Morocco.

A trolley of banknotes

Rustling banknotes also come back in the arrest of Eva Kaili “caused” by the father’s previous detention. When on Friday the police saw him hurriedly leaving the luxurious hotel in the “European” district of Brussels where he had arrived a few days earlier with his wife, it took only a moment for the officers to jump on him and discover that in the trolley he was dragging there were the beauty of 600 thousand euros in 50 euro banknotes. Why was he so eager? Perhaps he knew that the investigators were on the trail of the money accumulated by his daughter with bribes, they say in Brussels, to which must be added the 150,000 euros found in 20 and 50 euro banknotes in the home of the Research along with many valuable gifts, objects and medals, received from Qatar. The discovery of the money and gifts was considered the “flagrancy of crime” which, by forfeiting parliamentary immunity, allowed the judiciary to arrest Kaili. I’m 19 homes searched and 10 collaborators’ offices sealed in Parliament to “freeze” and “prevent” the tampering of the data on the seized mobile phones and PCs, as the prosecutors explain. Seals also in the Strasbourg offices of the assistants of Pd parliamentarians, not under investigation, Alessandra Moretti and Andrea Cozzolinothe arrested Giorgi assists the second and works in one of the two.

Stopped on Friday and released the following day, Luca Visentinihead of the International Trade Union Confederation, is still shaken by the prison experience. “I was released without formal charges and with minimal conditions that allow me to move freely,” he says, and adds: “I am not involved in any form of corruption. If I had been corrupted or if I were a corruptor my political positions would have been very favorable to Qatar, however in the previous days I had declared that the reforms made in that country were completely insufficient”.


December 12, 2022 (change December 13, 2022 | 08:03)

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