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Qatar World Football / Betting Watch Here! Concubine Diana was predicted to die… Psychic media predicted: This country sent off Messi 2-0 to win the league | Sports | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

Sports Center / Reported by Lin Yunxuan

▲ A Canadian psychic predicted that Argentina would face England in the Qatar World Cup championship. (Picture / flip from Messi IG)

The 2022 World Cup in Qatar kick-started a boom in global football. Fans who buy the lottery pay attention! The psychic who claimed to have accurately predicted the 9/11 terrorist attack and the death of Princess Diana predicted that this world championship match will be between two strong traditional teams, England and Argentina, and the final championship will be won by ‘England.

The round of 16 of the World Cup in Qatar has come to an end. Afterwards, 8 teams will compete for tickets to the semi-finals. At 23:00 Taiwan time yesterday (9th), Brazil will face Croatia to kick off the top 8. According to the “Daily Star”, a 79-year-old psychic in Canada who claims to be a “modern prophet of ghosts and ghosts” and accurately predicted the death of Princess Diana and the 9/11 terrorist attacks stressed that the “Three Lions” in England will kill Reach the final and face Argentina led by superstar Lionel Messi.

Carr said he saw moments from the 1982 Falklands War, a partial war between Britain and Argentina over sovereignty over the Falkland Islands, when he heard friends recount the World Cup. Carr said this means England and Argentina will have another big battle. In the end, England will defeat Argentina 2-0 to win the championship. Carl said confidently, “Since I predicted 9/11, I’ve never had such a strong feeling.”

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