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Q and C .. What are the types of throat cancer and the causes of infection?

Cancer is a class of diseases in which abnormal cells multiply and divide uncontrollably in the body. These abnormal cells form malignant tumors called tumors. Throat cancer refers to cancer of the larynx, vocal cords, and other parts of the throat, such as the tonsils and pharynx. Throat cancer is often classified into two categories: hypopharyngeal cancer and laryngeal cancer .

Within the Q and C series of topics, the seventh day provides everything you need to know about throat cancer, according to the site healthline

Q: What are the types of throat cancer?

Although all throat cancers involve the development and growth of abnormal cells, your doctor must determine your specific type to determine the most effective treatment plan..

The two main types of throat cancer are:

1: Squamous cell carcinoma, this type of throat cancer affects the flat cells that line the throat, this type of throat cancer affects glandular cells and is rare.

2: Pharyngeal cancer. This cancer develops in the pharynx, which is the hollow tube that runs from behind your nose to the top of your windpipe.

Q: What are the symptoms of throat cancer?

Throat cancer can be difficult to detect in its early stages.Common signs and symptoms of throat cancer include the following:

1: A change in your voice.

2: Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia).

3: Weight Loss.

4: Sore throat.

5: The constant need to clear your throat.

6: Constant cough (may cough up blood).

7: Swollen lymph nodes in the neck.

8: Earache.

9: Hoarseness.

Q: What are the causes and risk factors for throat cancer?

Men are more likely to develop throat cancer than women, and certain lifestyle habits increase the risk of throat cancer, including “smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, poor diet, poor dental health, and genetic syndromes.”

Q: What is the treatment for throat cancer?

Throat cancer treatment options include surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. The treatment method your doctor recommends will depend on the prevalence of your disease, among other factors.

1: Surgery

If the lump in your throat is small, your doctor may surgically remove the lump. This surgery is performed in the hospital while you are under anesthesia.

2: Radiotherapy

After the tumor is removed, your doctor may recommend radiation therapy. Radiation therapy uses high-energy rays to destroy malignant cancer cells.

3: Chemotherapy

In the case of large tumors and tumors that have spread to the lymph nodes and other organs or tissues, your doctor may recommend chemotherapy and radiation.

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