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Pyro-Melodic Summer Fireworks Spectacular at Marinella Beach in Anglet

If the Marinella beach in Ajaccio inspired a song by Corsican artist Tino Rossi, his Anglo version will be the scene of other summer hits to accompany the traditional summer fireworks display in the City of Anglet, fired at 10:45 p.m.

The pyro-melodic show was once again entrusted to Lionel Lafranchesca and his team…

If the Marinella beach in Ajaccio inspired a song by Corsican artist Tino Rossi, his Anglo version will be the scene of other summer hits to accompany the traditional summer fireworks display in the City of Anglet, fired at 10:45 p.m.

The pyro-melodic show was again entrusted to Lionel Lafranchesca and his team named Artifice, spectacle et compagnie (ASC). The pyrotechnician has been a regular on the premises since 2007. He has occupied them since Thursday, August 10, at low tide.

“We arrived on Wednesday evening. This 400 meter construction site requires us to neutralize the entire beach for three days. While there was a small coefficient on Thursday morning, a major swell entry was forecast for Saturday. This will force us to reassemble the entire site,” explains Lionel Lafranchesca.

The preparation of the rockets requires a lot of delicacy.

Felix Dufour

“Also, continues the bomb disposal specialist, this morning at 6:30 a.m., we were hard at work with my team of twelve people. We have to retrace the whole location of the show on the beach and go up the shooting range by 25 meters! All of this is possible thanks to the confidence of the entertainment department, the dedication of the technical departments, but also and above all, of the City’s beach department. »

This Friday morning, Lionel Lafranchesca’s team, equipped with bulldozers, was in charge of reshaping the beach with the new weather data.

220 pyrotechnic operations

Lionel Lafranchesca has been a fireworker in Anglet since 2007 until the Covid arose in 2020. “This deprived us of our activity. The pandemic seriously penalized us for two years when we counted 200 pyrotechnic operations per summer. Fortunately, since 2022, everything has gone back to our sector, in New Aquitaine and Midi-Pyrénées, ”he says.

“As usual, I present thematic videos to the animation manager in Anglet, Pascal Bourricaud. Once he and his team have validated it, I continue writing the show and its development. The Saturday evening show will be accompanied by sound illustrations on the theme of American cinema musicals. “La la Land” by Damien Chazelle, “Moulin rouge” co-produced and directed by Baz Luhrmann, “The Greatest Showman” by Michael Gracey and an excerpt from “Bohemian Rhapsody” in tribute to Freddie Mercury and Queen, will be in the game. »

And the fireworks then? “This show requires significant visual management. More than 1,000 bombs will be launched into the sky. The fireworks will look like a musical ballad in order to convey more emotions”, concludes Lionel.

This Friday, August 11, the fireworks team was working in the heat. She had to reconstruct the merlons, namely the mounds of sand placed behind the rockets in order to ensure the protection of the public. A few meters away, on Sables d’Or beach, the sand was starting to get crowded. This August 15 promises to be festive in Anglet.

Behind each firing point, merlons, mounds of sand, ensure the safety of the public.

Felix Dufour

If the weather does not allow it, the fireworks will be postponed to the next day.

#Anglet #Marinellas #fireworks #sparkle #colors #musicals

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