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PVV Leader Geert Wilders Calls for Army Deployment to Combat Asylum Seeker Nuisance in Groningen Village

PVV leader Wilders visiting the Groningen village of Ter Apel where there is a registration center

NOS News

PVV leader Geert Wilders wants to deploy the army against the nuisance caused by a group of asylum seekers from the application center in Ter Apel. Wilders called the increasing nuisance “unbearable” during a visit to the Groningen village.

According to recent figures, it concerns shoplifting and vandalism. “It is indescribable: the threats, intimidation, destroyed buses, masturbation and burglaries,” said Wilders to a large group of residents from the village.


The nuisance caused by an unknown number of asylum seekers from the application center has been known for some time. These are mainly asylum seekers who have little chance of obtaining a residence permit, often from North Africa. They may be evicted and their frustration is vented on, for example, street furniture or bus transport.

A few months ago, State Secretary Eric van der Burg called the nuisance “absolutely unacceptable”. Last summer, the cabinet allocated 45 million euros to tackling this problem, which is also intended to combat nuisance caused by asylum seekers in other municipalities.

Street coaches

The municipality of Westerwolde, which includes Ter Apel, has deployed extra police and the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA) has hired extra security guards. In November, the cabinet launched a pilot of street coaches to ensure peace and that project is being extended.

PVV leader Wilders finds this approach insufficient and calls on the cabinet to take action. “The safety of the inhabitants is paramount. The army must be deployed.” He plead again for an asylum stop.

Wilders previously called on the cabinet to deploy the army: during the corona riots in 2021 and in 2008 against Moroccan Dutch people who cause nuisance.

2023-06-03 15:39:09

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