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PvdA and GroenLinks want to form together, but for the right it remains ‘no’

Behind the scenes, the two parties let loose a bit in recent weeks. Namely: no chance that it will happen, but before the real rule out we wait until they have had their member consultations.

Those were today. At GroenLinks it was called a conversation in which party leader Klaver said that the “arrogance of power” had to be broken by cooperation with PvdA. Many members who spoke, it seemed agree.

At the PvdA it was more than a conversation. A vote was taken and more than 90 percent turned out to be in favor of a joint formation team with shared goals. Party leader Ploumen was combative: “We must try to pull those right-wing guys to the left.”

Two factions, two parties

But the right-wing guys are really ‘refuse politicians’ (as Klaver and Ploumen like to call them) when it comes to forming with the left-wing bloc. Because behind the scenes, ‘no’ sounds again. A joint formation team does not go far enough for them; they remain two factions of two parties.

The expectation is that the ‘no’ will soon be pronounced in front of the screens, unless the left-wing parties suddenly want to take an extra step with regard to the merger plans. If not, the formation continues without them.

The next stop at which they will stop is a continuation of the current coalition of VVD, D66, CDA and ChristenUnie. But this will veto D66, it is expected. That party would love to work with PvdA and GroenLinks, but not with the ChristenUnie, partly because of medical-ethical differences. And so that option will also be crossed out, is the expectation.


What remains: a minority government. That can be VVD-D66, but also with CDA as a third party. After all, that is Rutte’s favorite formation, and D66 has never blocked the party in recent months.

Although it must be said that Kaag has expressed a preference, if it has to be with a minority, to do without the CDA. So that’s not a foregone conclusion yet.

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