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Putin’s nuclear blackmail destroys nuclear non-proliferation – Fiona Hill – Ukraine News, Politics


Nuclear blackmail that Vladimir Putin actively used during Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, is likely to increase the demand for nuclear weapons around the world, said Russia expert and former White House intelligence adviser Fiona Hill, reports The Guardian.

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Hill believes that Putin is now “virtually telling every country: you need a nuclear weapon.” Because of this, she believes, “the whole idea of ​​non-proliferation of nuclear weapons goes down the drain,” since it is obvious to everyone that Western countries are afraid to enter into direct confrontation with Russia just because the Kremlin has nuclear weapons and claims that it is ready to use them. .

The war launched by Putin, Hill says, will force a number of non-nuclear countries to start working on their own nuclear weapons, because they see that in the current situation “they cannot rely on someone else’s help.”

“We’re entering completely new territory that we haven’t been to even during the Cold War,” Hill said.

April 22 Victoria Nuland statedthat the US and NATO are trying to convince Putin that any use of nuclear weapons by him would be a disaster for him and Russia as a whole.

Sergei Berezhnoy

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