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Putin will faint… The terms of the peace treaty presented by the President of Ukraine

Even if the attitude of the ‘adolescent condition’ has changed, Russia finds it hard to accept it
4 states demanded up to Crimea… de facto admission of defeat

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Since the war in Ukraine, which began with the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, has been prolonged for 9 months, Ukraine draws attention by presenting strict conditions for ending the war.

Experts have analyzed that it appears to be a paving stone to take the lead in a water battle with Russia.

The end of the war conditions presented by Ukraine may be natural, but it is difficult for Russia to accept.

According to Business Insider, a US business media, on the 21st (local time), Ukrainian President Volodmir Zelensky presented 10 terms for peace negotiations in a video speech at the G20 summit in Indonesia on the 15th. In his speech to Kwon International Organizations Meeting (OIF), reiterated the same conditions and appealed for Western support.

The conditions for ending the war proposed by President Zelensky are ▲ nuclear security ▲ food security ▲ energy security ▲ release of prisoners ▲ application of the UN Charter ▲ withdrawal of Russian troops and cessation of hostilities ▲ restoration of justice ▲ response to the destruction of environment ▲ preventing the escalation of tensions ▲ consolidating the end of the war.

Ukraine will be able to respond to the end of the agreement only when it returns the Crimean peninsula, which was forcibly annexed in 2014, as well as the four regions of Donetsk and Luhansk in the east and Zaporizhya and Kherson in the south, which Russia was declared its territory in September.

This is an unacceptable condition for Russia, which plans to complete the southeastern belt from the Donbass east to Odessa, a western port city on the Black Sea coast.

Furthermore, to accept it is to admit Russia’s defeat.

Therefore, it is highly probable that Russia will not accept it in any case.

A prisoner swap is also unlikely as Russia has presented the elimination of Ukrainian “neo-Nazis” as one of its main war goals.

In addition, measures to prevent further hostilities from Russia, Ukraine’s control over the Zaporizhia Nuclear Power Plant, stable supply of energy and grain to the international market, Russia’s burden of environmental restoration costs, and guarantees of sovereignty and territory are more active than before in terms of the existing conditions. Even in a changed Russia, considerable pain is expected to find a compromise.

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