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Putin wants to introduce the Taliban “into the family of civilized peoples” – UNIAN

Putin added that “everyone must unite their efforts” to legalize the militants.

On August 15, the Taliban announced the capture of the entire territory of Afghanistan, they attacked Kabul / REUTERS

Russian President Vladimir Putin has spoken out in favor of improving relations with the Taliban militants who captured Afghanistan after the withdrawal of troops by the United States.

The words of the head of the Kremlin are quoted by the Russian Interfax.

Putin believes that communication with the Taliban will supposedly keep the situation in Afghanistan under control.

Russia is not interested in the disintegration of Afghanistan. If this happens, then there will be no one to talk to. communicate and somehow influence, “he suggested.

Read alsoThe United States will allocate more than $ 2 thousand to refugees from AfghanistanBut soon the President of the Russian Federation added that “everyone must unite their efforts” to legalize the militants.

Putin also snapped at Biden’s words about plans to combat “terrorism in 2021” so that America, they say, first dealt with those with whom it had fought for 20 years.

The capture of Afghanistan by the Taliban

August 15 the Taliban announced the seizure of the entire territory of Afghanistan, they stepped on Kabul.

Afghan Interior Minister Abdul Satar Mirzakwal said in a video message that the capital will be handed over to the Taliban peacefully.

It also became known that Taliban representatives in the presidential palace in Kabul discussed preparations for a change of power.

15 August President of Afghanistan Ashraf Ghani resigns and flew to Tajikistan.

August 17 Vice President of Afghanistan Amrullah Saleh declared himself the head of the country.

On August 18, the UAE Foreign Ministry reported that Ghani and his family arrived in the country.


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