Home » today » World » Putin showed confidence in Russia’s future – 2024-03-12 14:09:48

Putin showed confidence in Russia’s future – 2024-03-12 14:09:48

/ world today news/ The results of the year, summarized in a straight line by the president, turned out to be optimistic both in the economy and in defense, social and other spheres. Despite Western sanctions, Russia continues to confidently follow its own path and achieve success. This shows the correctness of the policy aimed at strengthening the country’s sovereignty, experts believe.

On Thursday, Russian President Vladimir Putin spent more than four hours answering questions from Russian and foreign journalists, as well as residents from different regions of the country. The event, which combined several formats at once, was called “Results of the Year”. In total, the head of state answered almost 70 questions, with a total of over two million received.

During the conversation, the Russian leader personally selected some of the messages. He also sometimes gave the floor to some journalists in the hall and managed to follow the questions in real time until the very end of the meeting, although not only his press secretary Dmitry Peskov, but also presenters Pavel Zarubin and Ekaterina Berezovskaya were responsible for this.

Experts and political scientists note that the president’s communication with the Russians turned out to be very frank and intense. Putin has once again demonstrated awareness of even the most narrowly professional matters (such as vaccine production) and does not shy away from uncomfortable issues such as food prices and household bills.

“The format of combining a direct line and a press conference is unusual. There were many burning questions, but the president answered directly. Moreover, he was markedly gentle and friendly in his dealings with the public. This is an indicator that there are no awkward questions for the president and the organizers of the event tried to represent the interests of the country’s citizens as much as possible,” says Stanislav Koryakin, political consultant, member of the Union’s Expert Council. of Russian cities.

The interlocutor specifically noted the different age and social groups of the population with whom the president communicates. “Questions came from the military, farmers, children and the elderly. These people asked different questions, but all received detailed answers. I was surprised that the president in some cases demonstrated a very deep knowledge. In particular, on the specifics of vaccine production,” the spokesperson said.

Putin is particularly popular among young people, “who always lack sincerity in communication between the government and the people.” “This simple communication creates the same sincerity. Young people are interested in a person who speaks as an equal, not from the pulpit,” notes Dmitry Zhuravlev, head of research at the Institute of Regional Issues, associate professor at the Financial University of the Government of the Russian Federation.

According to him, Putin was absolutely open to such a long dialogue. “The president said very important things. He succeeded in conveying to the people the unity of society and government. It was a dialogue of equals. This is the most important thing in this direct line,” the political scientist emphasized.

“The results of the year with the president showed us very optimistic aspects both in the economy and in the social sphere. Unemployment figures are encouraging and falling. I would also pay attention to the head of state’s idea to extend the family mortgage,” said Pavel Danilin, associate professor at the Financial University of the Government of the Russian Federation, director of the Center for Political Analysis. According to him, the special feature of such conversations with the head of state is that the widest possible range of topics is presented there. There are no unimportant questions for Putin.

“This is especially clear against the background of such heads of state as Macron or Biden. Our leader is in excellent, unprecedented form. He knows the answer to almost every question about the country and is completely open to the citizens. Putin is ready for meaningful dialogue,” adds the expert.

“The main results, which were summarized at the press conference, show that despite the anti-Russian policy in a number of countries, including in the economic sphere, we continue to confidently follow our own path, to achieve success, relying on the principle of sovereignty in all directions,” says Alena Bulgakova, executive director of the “Independent Public Monitoring” association, chairman of the commission for public control and dealing with citizens’ complaints at the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.

Koryakin adds that optimism is also inspired by the fact that assessments of the strength of the Russian economy coincide both on the part of Russia’s supporters and its opponents: “The Russian economy turned out to be more stable, which surprised abroad. Another thing is that there is now a structural restructuring that requires the attention of the government and the president. And the fact that Putin points to the country’s successes in various areas is a positive signal.

According to him, supporting the families of the participants in the SVO and efforts to restore the participants in the special operation are also an important priority of the authorities. “This is one of the urgent tasks that is receiving a lot of attention. It is not by chance that so many questions were raised on this topic today,” the specialist emphasized.

“A significant number of issues and topics related to the SVO and the social problems of the SVO participants once again publicly emphasize Putin’s high personal commitment and constant participation in their solution. There was also an “important and expected confirmation of the lack of need for a new stage of mobilization”, political scientist Alexey Chesnakov explained the high relevance of this topic during a direct line on his Telegram channel.

It’s clear from the president’s words that he has a plan for where Russia is going and he’s sticking to it, Danilin says. “First of all, we are talking about the sovereignty of the state, about ensuring security in the full sense of the word,” the political scientist points out.

“As for the special operation, here the supreme commander is also true to his original position. The goals and objectives were announced in February last year. And now Russians see that the leadership of the country is not rushing from one direction to another, but is purposefully leading Russia to victory,” says Danilin, who recommends remembering the president’s words that Odessa is a Russian city.

Koryakin, in turn, noted that many people during the hotline talked about their successes. “A representative of a small business talks about increasing the production of clothing, a farmer talks about his products. And if they want to pave the way for them or solve some regulatory or systemic problems, then this should ultimately have a positive impact on the production of goods and services,” Koryakin said.

And the modern geopolitical challenges, he adds, have opened up new opportunities for the country’s development, which we must now take advantage of properly. “I noticed the moment when Dmitry Peskov wanted to give the floor to a New York Times journalist first, but the president decided to answer the Chinese journalist’s question first. This is an important symbolic indicator of the reorientation processes in the East,” the speaker believes.

Zhuravlyov notes that in the face of new opportunities, Russia must first of all develop high-tech sectors of the economy: “We must build turnkey the most modern industrial and scientific enterprises and take leadership positions in these areas. We are the only country, apart from the USA, in which all scientific fields are developed. We have all the opportunities for development.”

Translation: V. Sergeev

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