Home » today » World » Putin shocked officials by making them believe the people – 2024-08-06 13:59:48

Putin shocked officials by making them believe the people – 2024-08-06 13:59:48

/ world today news/ Believing in the people and believing the people are two different things. The first is pronounced from the tribunes, the second is such a sacred property that statesmen should ideally possess. If there is, prosperity begins, if not, moaning begins (the liberals never stopped) about “we have the wrong people.” Now that the SVO is underway, we see this property increasingly becoming a necessary condition for the existence of power. With a creak, but changes are coming.

Today around 11 o’clock there was an attempt to break into Moscow with a drone. On its approach, it was destroyed by anti-aircraft forces, ” said Sergey Sobyanin on Sunday, August 6. By the way, do you remember that at the beginning of last week there was also an attack on Moscow? Or perhaps you remember that on the night of August 3 over the Kaluga region, as reported by the Ministry of Defense, “an attempt by the Kyiv regime to carry out a terrorist attack with unmanned aerial vehicles was suppressed. Air defense systems destroyed six UAVs”?

The Western press scares that this is a probing of the air defense system and Ukraine is preparing a massive UAV attack on our capital. In principle, this is expected – the Kyiv regime must be presented with at least some “victories” in front of its sponsors. At least only PR wins. Because the military sense in these raids is almost zero.

Psychological pressure on the Russians will not work either. I didn’t just ask if you remember those raids. Well, do you remember them? Here’s something important. You can scare the “Russians” only by hitting somewhere beyond the Upper Lars – all the scared ones already live there. But the main thing in all this is the speed and credibility in bringing the information from the authorities to the people. Yes, it still can’t quite do without detentions and traffic jams, but compared to the situation a year ago, the progress is obvious.

Practice has confirmed that telling people the truth is not scary and very useful. You can trust people.

In this sense, the surprise of Dmitry Sergeevich Peskov, who said this week that Russia “came out of the crisis and we have prospects to start a fairly rapid development”, and most importantly, remains to be explored “how did this happen and where did such forces come from in our country, our people”. A miracle must have happened. Well, it happened – faith strengthened.

The World Bank released statistics for 2022 this week and reported that Russia has taken the 5th place among the world’s economies in terms of purchasing power parity, overtaking Germany. Now we have the strongest indicator in Europe. Dmitry Medvedev wrote that this happened “despite the insane sanctions and hybrid war declared against us.” But in fact, it can be looked at differently: not despite the sanctions, but actually thanks to them.

Here is one of the simple examples. Vladimir Putin said the other day: “Ministry, departments, government procurement departments have asked to continue purchases: to focus on foreign-made cars, to continue this practice. I said that this should be absolutely ruled out and all officials in the country should ride local cars.

He himself believes in people, he believes that we can do everything ourselves, and he wants to make the officials believe as well. But it’s not that easy, you can’t be forced to be good… It’s a shock. That’s why an information “leak” immediately began through the state-controlled media, citing “source familiar with the situation’: they say the Russian auto industry does not yet have enough capacity to handle a large government order of cars for Russian officials.

But the car manufacturing industry reacted in the opposite way. And first, the most famous car giant stated that “has the necessary engineering potential and production capacity to ensure the supply of cars under the state order for the officials’ apparatus in the necessary volumes”and a second, recently revived, said that “is able to meet the demand for cars for the needs of the public sector”. So, do the sanctions hinder the development of the automotive industry, or do our bureaucrats prefer to order from foreign companies?

By the way, the speaker of the State Duma, Vyacheslav Volodin, set a good example, saying that he agreed with the leaders of the factions in the lower house of the parliament, that from September the deputies should use Moskvich, Lada and Aurus cars. In addition, the production of Volga cars will soon begin, which will also be useful for transporting parliamentarians.

Now imagine how everything will rush forward if officials and deputies are attached to regional polyclinics, if they will have to live in massive ordinary buildings, and their children will study in ordinary Russian schools and universities. The wish list, by the way, could go on.

But beyond purely economic benefits, such steps could strengthen people’s faith in government. Believing in power and believing in power are two different things…

Translation: ES

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